Tag Archives: Nutrition

Daily Update!

Today has been sch a LOOOONG day!!!

I started my day by going to work, and it was a crazy, busy extremely stressful day!! HOWEVER, I had THE BEST lunch date with my Sis, Alex!!! The thing I love about Alex, is that no matter what is going on in her life, she is the perpetual cheerleader!! She just always seems to know what to say, in a straight forward thoughtful way!! Thank you, sissy!! I really needed that!!

So, I got off of work, and headed straight to the laundromat so that I could wash some of my bedding. Most people find that the laundromat is a real bore, but not me. I find that there is something oddly soothing about watching your clothing going around and around, rhythmically tumbling over and over itself. I also love to people watch while I am waiting for the cleaning cycles to finish.

Tonight there is this woman who is about my age, she has 3 sons, who I later learn at ages 7, 8, and 9, they are running around her in circles like banshees. She is obviously frazzled and doesn’t know how to work the payment card or the machines. My heart goes out to her so, I try and help her the only way I can think of, and I show her how the card and machines work. What she really could use is a vacation, or at least a really GREAT nap!!! 😉

After the laundromat, I had every intention of going home, but I was so close to the Goodwill by my house, I decided to stop and “take a look”. Well, 2 hours and $45 later, I “looked”, and then came home with about 10 books, 2 purses, and pair of vintage shoes in FABULOUS condition – AND IN MY SIZE!!!! Ok, so I may need some kind of intervention!!!!

Ok, so I got home a little after 8 PM, and I still hadn’t eaten – so I ate leftovers from dinner last night, called my sissy Jennifer, the same one I was on the phone with yesterday!!! My sweetie called me too, from the road – that was AWESOME!!!

My sweetie left with our adopted grandfather (I sounds like Heidi whenever I say “Grandfather” LOL!). They are on a roadtrip to California. I am soooo happy that they are both doing this, Willy needs Jason, and Jason needs Willy!! I am sometimes very envious of their relationship, but even in saying that I realize just how much I really love those too!!! 😉 Jason is going to do his best to take a ton of pics, and when he gets back on Friday, I will see what I can do to put a couple up on the blog!! Have fun men, and be super safe! Someone here in Salem is sending good thoughts your way!!! 😉

SO, onto today’s eats:

Today is day 5 of my 30-Day-Self-Created-Visual-Nutrition-Plan!! Feeling great!!! I can eat whatever I want, but I have to take a picture of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I eat and post it on this blog – and have to be willing to take any criticism I might incur!!! The key word being ACCOUNTABILITY!! In addition, I am incorporating more fruits and veggies into my day to help me eat a more BALANCED diet, and get healthy!! The knowledge that I have to take pics and post everything that I have eaten has really curbed a couple of poor choices!! Although, an occasional treat can sometimes be DIVINE!!!

Anyway, here is the pics of all my eats for today!!

Breakfast: Bagel and light cream cheese

Snack: Yogurt

Lunch: Large salad with mixed leaf lettuce, spinach, raisins, rotisserie chicken, cherry tomatoes, and light Dijon dressing

Snack: Sliced oranges

Dinner: Leftover baked beans and a hot dog

Snack: None

Whew! It is late, I am tired, so I am going to get going up to bed!!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!!!

My New Nutrition Plan!!!

Yesterday’s blog posting inspired me to invent and try a new nutrition plan for the next 30 days for myself!! The idea is that I can eat whatever I want, but I have to take a picture of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I eat and post it on this blog – and have to be willing to take any criticism I might incur!!! You know, I think some ACCOUNTABILITY will be extremely helpful!! In addition, I am going to do my best to get more fruits and veggies into my diet, and eat a more BALANCED diet!! Wish me luck, and I would LOVE to her your thoughts in the comments section!! Thanks!!

Here is what I ate today:

Breakfast: Bagel, light cream cheese, chocolate soy milk with fiber added, fresh orange

Snack: None

Lunch: Leftover fajita chicken breast, with sauteed onions and bell peppers, over mixed leaf lettuce

Snack: 1 little Debbie’s peanut butter cookie (I ate 1/2 of what is shown), and 3 pieces of dried mango

Snack 2: 1 & 1/2 cup of popcorn – the pic looks huge but this is a childs’ size

Dinner: Sauteed onions and bell peppers, served over 3 eggs, with 3 strips of thick cut bacon – extra crispy (I actually ate 1 egg, and the egg white of another)

Snack: Pear

It is one thing to think you remember what you ate, it is a totally DIFFERENT thing to actually SEE what you ate; and because I am such a visual person this might just work for me!!!

On to other things about today:

I had posted a few days ago that I was hoping to create a haven in my backyard, and my sweet husband came over today and helped me get started!!!

I know this is hard to believe, but I actually helped with a ton of weed pulling too!!! (I even kept my hands and shoes clean – now THAT IS MORE LIKE ME!!! LOL! 😉

Here is the before:

Here is the after:

Also, I have been working on a puzzle for the past 2 weeks, and I finally finished it today. On a side note, I had picked this puzzle up from a second hand store, which should have been my first red flag. Sure enough, when I finished I realized I was missing a piece – AAAACK! Well, I guess if that is my biggest problem I have to deal with in my day – I am doing pretty DAMN WELL!!!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS evening!!!