Tag: Health

Feeling Inspired!

Feeling Inspired!

Good morning! I am feeling inspired! I am feeling empowered! I am feeling a great satisfaction in knowing that I am taking care of myself, in small ways, every day, little by little! I ran across this video this morning, and could not WAIT to 

1-Year Post Bariatric Surgery Update!

1-Year Post Bariatric Surgery Update!

Good evening! Yep! That’s right! As of today, it has been exactly one year since I had my gastric bypass surgery, and I thought it might be the perfect time to give you my weight loss update! As of today, I have officially lost 99 

Gaining a New Life with Gastric Bypass Surgery!

Gaining a New Life with Gastric Bypass Surgery!

Me 2Good evening!

I have had so much going on the past week, that I really had no idea where to start. ..

So, to keep things simple, I have decided to share my weight loss update this evening!! But, I realized that since I changed from my old blog to this one, this is going to be a new story for most of you!! πŸ™‚

I have lived most of my adult life heavy…
and teen life…
and part of my childhood…
well, I think you get the idea!!

I did not have one single solitary day of my 20’s under 285 pounds, and by the time I hit 30 I was 300 plus pounds! One day, I woke up and realized that I was 36 years old, 330 pounds, unhappy, unhealthy, and seriously heading to a quickly approaching early grave! I realized I had wasted my 20’s and now that I was heading to 40 (AKA middle age AAAACK!!!!), I decided that I didn’t want to greet my 40’s on my way to 400 pounds! I just couldn’t do it! and seriously as bad as my health was getting I wasn’t sure I was going to make it even if I wanted to!

Me 1

By that time, I had sleep apnea… I snored like nobodies business, and I couldn’t sleep through the night without waking up with a horrendous blood pressure headache! Now, I realize I was literally starving for oxygen while I was trying to sleep! I was a breath away from diabetes, I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and had constant pain in my knees, ankles, feet, and back!! I knew I was in real trouble.

In April of 2012, I had made the decision, along with my awesomely loving husband, that we would both start the process to have gastric bypass surgery. Now mind you, this decision was not made lightly, and not without a lot of trying a whole lot of other ways to lose weight first, none of which worked for very long.

Fast forward to September 4, 2012, my husband had already had his gastric bypass surgery 6 weeks prior to mine, and he had already lost weight like gangbusters!!! As scared as I was going into the surgery preparation, I knew I was ready for this, and that this would be the start of my new life. There was no way in HELL I was going to waste this opportunity!! So, with my sweetie, and my two baby sisters at my side, the surgical team wheeled me away, and I got the chance to start my new life.

Today, and every Monday I go into the clinic for a weigh-in. This is my own personal way of holding myself accountable! My weight loss has been much slower than my husband’s, of course! Him being a man and all!! πŸ˜‰ But, I have slowly but surely been shrinking. So, tonight I will share with you my weight loss progress as of today!

Weight Loss Update

  • Total pounds lost from highest weight: 102.4
  • Total pounds lost since starting the Bariatric program in April 2012: 92.2
  • Total pounds lost since surgery: 56.5
  • Total inches lost (measuring my neck, underbust, waist, hips, thigh, calf, bicep, and forearm): 43.5

Life is good! I am not yet to where I want to be. My one year follow up appointment is in September, and my Surgeon’s goal for me is to lose another 40 pounds. She has told me, that since my weight is coming off so slowly, even with the weight loss surgery, that I am going to have to fight tooth and nail for every single pound that comes off from here on out, and I know she is right, but I also know that this life is worth it! I am worth it!!!

Me 3

If anyone one you know is interested in gastric bypass surgery, or if you are just curious and have questions, please feel free to either comment on this post, or you can e-mail me at thisartsylife [at] yahoo [dot] com. I would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have!! πŸ™‚

In the meantime…

Here is to a FABULOUSLY ARTSY evening!! πŸ˜‰

Signature Line

If you want to have a different life, you have to live differently!!

Thank Goodness It Is Friday!

Thank Goodness It Is Friday!

Good evening! This Friday just could not get here any faster! But here it is, and I am just soooo thankful for a weekend off!! Today, I unintentionally gave myself a little jolt, and that was because, out of the blue, I signed myself and 

Chunky Dunker’s Night, Week 11!

Chunky Dunker’s Night, Week 11!

Good evening! Welcome to week 11, of the Chunky Dunker’s Club!! Welcome back to those who join us every week, including those of your who silently follow us, and welcome to those who may be new to my blog this evening. I am happy to 

I’m Here, I’m Here!

I’m Here, I’m Here!

Today has been a pretty good day! Work was long, and hard, and stressful, but I always love a challenge!!! I did make a pit stop at Goodwill! I have decided that if I MUST buy books, then I might as well buy them super cheap, and I did!!! I just LOVE retail therapy!! Especially CHEAP RETAIL THERAPY!!!! πŸ˜‰

I have been in a girly-glam kind of mood most of today. Here are some of the things that have been popping into my mind all day!!!

Dancing with the Ya-Ya Sisters

Diva lashes

A dripping chandelier

A chic little black veil

All things Chanel

A luxurious feather wreath

What could be girlier then cupcakes???

Tiara anyone? πŸ˜‰

Anyway, on with my Visual Nutrition Plan, I know I have been MIA the past few days, the only excuse I had was that I had family here all weekend, and I just didn’t make my nutrition a priority this weekend, and the fact that I have gained a pound in 3 days is proof enough to get back on track again!!! πŸ™‚

Today is day 12 of my 30-Day-Self-Created-Visual-Nutrition-Plan!! I can eat whatever I want, but I have to take a picture of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I eat and post it on this blog – and have to be willing to take any criticism I might incur!!! The knowledge that I have to take pics and post everything that I have eaten has really curbed a couple of poor choices!! Although, an occasional treat can sometimes be DIVINE!!!

So, here are today’s eats:

Breakfast: Sugar-free, iced, fat-free mocha, bagel with light cream cheese

Lunch: Grilled cheese sandwich with sweet potato french fries

Dinner: Grilled chicken breast with grilled corn on the cob

3 meals, what a concept?? I know that this is a departure from my normal 5-6 mini meals a day, but I have been sooo busy at work that I find that this is the only way I can fit my meals in right now!

So, let’s see, what else? Well, I am super excited about this weekend. I am taking my dad out to the little beach house for a special Father’s Day weekend. I am not exactly sure what we are going to do yet, but that is part of the fun of going to the beach house – no responsibilities, no schedules, no to-do lists!!! YEAH!!! I can’t wait!!!

Have a FABULOUS GIRLY-GLAM evening!!!

Laughter is the Best Medicine!

Laughter is the Best Medicine!

Christina: “Jennifer, You are the wind beneath my wings!” Jennifer: “Maybe that is why you keep flying around in circles.” *** I just got off the phone with one of my little sisters, Jennifer!!! She is such a hoot!!!Ok, so maybe she isn’t quite a 

My New Nutrition Plan!!!

My New Nutrition Plan!!!

Yesterday’s blog posting inspired me to invent and try a new nutrition plan for the next 30 days for myself!! The idea is that I can eat whatever I want, but I have to take a picture of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I eat and post