Tag Archives: Diet

Keeping It Quick and Simple!

Tonight, I vow to go to take care of myself by…

  • turning the tele off by 9 PM
  • spending time giving myself a facial while all the candles are lit in the bathroom, and soft music is playing from the bedroom
  • putting on my favorite pair of sexy, yet comfortable pajamas
  • making my bed before I get climb into it
  • being in bed by 9:30 PM with a good book

Oh, that sounds divine, which is why I am keeping this post short and sweet tonight!

As for my visual nutrition plan:

Today is day 7 of my 30-Day-Self-Created-Visual-Nutrition-Plan!! I can eat whatever I want, but I have to take a picture of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I eat and post it on this blog – and have to be willing to take any criticism I might incur!!! The knowledge that I have to take pics and post everything that I have eaten has really curbed a couple of poor choices!! Although, an occasional treat can sometimes be DIVINE!!!

I didn’t do so great today – I let me crazy busy work schedule mess with my eating plan for today. I had sooo many meetings that I literally didn’t get an actual mealtime, which meant I didn’t eat NEARLY enough today (that would explain the killer headache that I am now rockin’!)!! So, I just snuck what I could as quickly as I could!! WHEW!!!

Out of sheer curiosity, I did weigh again this morning and found that I had lost a total of 2.8 pounds since I started my visual nutrition plan almost a week ago!! That just blows my mind, and it also gives me hope that I really am not “destined” to be at this size!!! YEAH!!! I LOVE the idea that my weight is not pre-ordained, or something!!

With that said, here is the pic of all I ate today:

Breakfast: Chocolate soy milk with added fiber, and a banana

Breakfast 2: Yogurt with granola (quick, easy, and oh so delicious)

Lunch: I ate a whole sandwich, but had forgotten to take a pic until I had eaten the first half – oops!! The sandwich was made with whole wheat bread, honey ham, roasted bell pepper slices, and fresh spinach! It was really yummy, but I am going to have to remember to pack the bell pepper slices sperately, since it made a soggy mess out of my bread – EW!!! My husband always says, “Sometimes, if it is good for you, you just need to eat it, not like it!” – too funny!

Snack: Sliced apple with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter

Dinner: my headache had started by then, so I had a pretty big dinner; 1/2 a bell pepper and 1/4 of a large onion both sliced and sauteed, 3 eggs scrambled into the veggies, with a side of whole wheat english muffin with whipped butter, and a glass of skim milk. I heard that whipped butter has a lot of air in it so you actually get less fat in a tablespoon than if you had a tablespoon of regular butter – I really hope that is true, because I don’t know if I could get over butter! DELICIOSO!!!

Have a FABULOUS evening! I am off to go to take care of myself!!! 😉

Today’s Eats!

I have invented and am trying a new nutrition plan for the next 30 days, and today is day #3!! The idea is that I can eat whatever I want, but I have to take a picture of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I eat and post it on this blog – and have to be willing to take any criticism I might incur!!! They key word being ACCOUNTABILITY!! In addition, I am incorporating more fruits and veggies into my day to help me eat a more BALANCED diet, and get healthy!!

Here is the pics of all my eats for today!!

Breakfast: Chocolate silk with added fiber, sliced banana, and 3 mini blueberry muffins with whipped butter

Snack: None

Lunch: HUGE salad with mixed greens, black beans, 2 leftover crisped bacon slices from dinner last night sliced, cherry tomatoes, and light Dijon dressing

Snack: A cup of read grapes with a string cheese

Dinner: Rotisserie chicken wing, mashed cauliflower with leeks and chives, and steamed brocolli

Dinner 2: Rotisserie chicken breast – I know it looks like a WHOLE LOT more on the plate, but this is actually one chicken breast all broken up on the plate

Snack: 5 chocolate covered strawberries; I am convinced that this may be the dessert that the good God Himself eats!! YUM!!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS evening!!!

My New Nutrition Plan!!!

Yesterday’s blog posting inspired me to invent and try a new nutrition plan for the next 30 days for myself!! The idea is that I can eat whatever I want, but I have to take a picture of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I eat and post it on this blog – and have to be willing to take any criticism I might incur!!! You know, I think some ACCOUNTABILITY will be extremely helpful!! In addition, I am going to do my best to get more fruits and veggies into my diet, and eat a more BALANCED diet!! Wish me luck, and I would LOVE to her your thoughts in the comments section!! Thanks!!

Here is what I ate today:

Breakfast: Bagel, light cream cheese, chocolate soy milk with fiber added, fresh orange

Snack: None

Lunch: Leftover fajita chicken breast, with sauteed onions and bell peppers, over mixed leaf lettuce

Snack: 1 little Debbie’s peanut butter cookie (I ate 1/2 of what is shown), and 3 pieces of dried mango

Snack 2: 1 & 1/2 cup of popcorn – the pic looks huge but this is a childs’ size

Dinner: Sauteed onions and bell peppers, served over 3 eggs, with 3 strips of thick cut bacon – extra crispy (I actually ate 1 egg, and the egg white of another)

Snack: Pear

It is one thing to think you remember what you ate, it is a totally DIFFERENT thing to actually SEE what you ate; and because I am such a visual person this might just work for me!!!

On to other things about today:

I had posted a few days ago that I was hoping to create a haven in my backyard, and my sweet husband came over today and helped me get started!!!

I know this is hard to believe, but I actually helped with a ton of weed pulling too!!! (I even kept my hands and shoes clean – now THAT IS MORE LIKE ME!!! LOL! 😉

Here is the before:

Here is the after:

Also, I have been working on a puzzle for the past 2 weeks, and I finally finished it today. On a side note, I had picked this puzzle up from a second hand store, which should have been my first red flag. Sure enough, when I finished I realized I was missing a piece – AAAACK! Well, I guess if that is my biggest problem I have to deal with in my day – I am doing pretty DAMN WELL!!!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS evening!!!