Category Archives: Home

Dreaming of Christmas!

Good evening!

I woke up this morning with a head cold that has made me move a little slower than normal, so I haven’t gotten as much stuff done around here as I was originally planning on. Namely, getting my Christmas tree up and decorated. It is up, but it is bare!

Anyway, I decided to spend a little time on Pinterest today, and wanted to share some dreamy Christmas pics with you! πŸ˜‰

Don’t these just make visions of sugarplums dance in your head?? Oh, I know it is not yet Thanksgiving, but I am just soooo excited for Christmas to get here!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!!!Β  πŸ™‚

Electrical Troubles!

Good evening!

Ok, so I have just had to rewrite this posting this evening! There is a heavy storm going on outside right not, and I am having some serious problems using anything via my network connection. What did we EVER do before that??? UGH! Anyway, it is my Friday evening! Yeah, I took tomorrow off so that my sweetie and I can go watch the latest installment ofΒ  the Twilight Saga, and kind of make a day of it. Well, I found out that Jason scheduled an appointment for us for 10 AM tomorrow morning, so there goes my casually lazy morning! Anyway, I am here to be supportive, so I am going. πŸ˜‰

I am grumpy this evening. Does it show? I would love to tell you that every day is awesome and that I am always feeling peachy-keen, but I can tell that my week of not really sleeping well, and doing WAAAAAAY too many activities after work every day this week is really adding up. For those of you that may not know me, I am the kind of person who needs A LOT of quiet home time to recuperate, and the more activities, the more stress , equals the need for MORE recuperation time at home, and to be honest with you, I really did not plan that into my week this week! I am SERIOUSLY WIPED-OUT!!!

So, tonight, in the spirit of self-care, I am going to call it an evening and go climb into my crisply made bed – AAAAAH, I really do LOVE that!!! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening!! πŸ˜‰

Swim Night with the Kids!

Good evening!

I just got back from watching my sweetie and the kids swimming, because of my new tattoo, I am unable to swim for at least 2 weeks, so I had the pleasure of being the photographer/observer!

This is me from my vantage point! πŸ˜‰

Here is Miss Megan in her adorable polka dottedΒ  bathing suit!


Here is Morgan and his Uncle Jay-Jay! Morgan follows him around like his shadow! πŸ™‚

Uncle Jay-Jay does a hand stand…

and Morgan immediately has to do a hand stand too!

Now it is Megan’s turn to pick an activity, and of course she chooses her FAVORITE pool game…

Marco POLO!!! πŸ˜‰

They could play this game for HOURS!!! πŸ™‚

Aren’t these guys just the CUTEST??? I was so jealous watching the fun from the sidelines, but I am very happy that I was able to get some pics, albeit some fuzzy ones – they are just constantly on the go!!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!!! ;-)

A Candlelit Evening At Home!

Good evening!

I am having a nice quiet evening at home. The house is clean, I have all the candles lit, and I am sitting on our sofa with the girls sleeping next to me. My sweetie is in the dining room with his friend, Don. They are trying to fix his laptop.

I am watching a documentary on the life of Frank Lloyd Wright. I have always been fascinated by his work and his architectural style. For those of you who may not know, Frank Lloyd Wright, was an innovative American architect, interior designer, writer and educator, who designed more than 1,000 structures and completed 500 works. Wright believed in designing structures which were in harmony with humanity and its environment, a philosophy he called organic architecture. He had a very distinctive arts and craft style, but he combined that with great rooms, and open floor plan living styles, which really went away from what was happening at the time. He used a lot of horizontal lines, low ceilings, stained glass windows, cantilever rooflines and distinctive color schemes. He was quite a visionary! I dream about living in a house similar to one of his homes.

Anyway, this week is the week of the Breaking Dawn opening. My sweetie and I already have tickets to the midnight showing on Thursday evening. I know, we are a little insane, but we just really have so much fun making an event out of these movie openings. We agree that the movies may not be so fantastic, but we both really enjoyed the books, and the stories are really a lot of fun to fall into! We want to take the time this week to watch one of the movies each evening before Thursday night, and then we will be at the theatre, early, with our folding chairs, kindles, and a deck of cards so that we can entertain ourselves while we are waiting for the opening of this next movie!

What else? Well, maybe that is all for the evening! Don is just now getting ready to leave, and Jason is getting ready to have us watch Twilight this evening! While I enjoy some silly time with my sweetie…

Have a FABULOUS evening!!! ;-)

A Lazy Naked Sunday!

Good evening!
I have had the best kind of lazy naked Sunday! There have been no plans, no agendas, and no to-do lists! THAT IS THE BEST KIND OF SUNDAY!!

I have been spending some time this evening perusing new blogs, and websites. Places that have inspired me to do a little decorating for the Winter holidays! I thought I would share some of these with you!

Dreamy Whites

One that I just happened to stumble upon is called Dreamy Whites. I am in LOVE with this site. It is so romantic, chic, and so homey looking! I just LOVE this site!! This site has inspired me to cover my red sofa with a scrumptious white blanket!! Aaaah!!! LOVELY!

Peony & Sage

Another site that I have been enjoying is Peony & Sage, they have some very beautiful vintage-y fabrics! These make me want to have throw pillows done for the entire house in these great fabrics!

The Paris Apartment

The last site I want to share with you this evening is The Paris Apartment. I know, I know, I have talked about this site before. This is actually one of my FAVORITE sites!! I could just jump right in to anyone of the lovely vignettes that she posts! I would be SUCH A HAPPY GIRL!!! French chic!!! DIVINE!!!

I am going to go do a little more inspiration induced perusing!

Have a FABULOUS evening!!! ;-)

Date Night with My Sweetie!

Good evening!
My sweetie and I just got home from a lovely date night out. We went out and watched a really fun movie, Puss In Boots in 3D. It felt really good to laugh. I mean, laughing out loud, the kind of laugh that makes you happy all over! It was a very cute movie! I am sure it would even be better with kids in tow, but there was a large family sitting next to us, and most of the kids were probably 8 or younger, and those kids made the movie so much more fun! I just LOVE hearing little kids laugh – it is sooooo genuine!! and these kids laughed at ALL of the BEST parts!! πŸ˜‰ Good times!!

The plan for the rest of this evening is to close the house down early and go climb into bed for some quality quiet time together. It is sorely needed, we have been keeping ourselves a little too busy!

As for the rest of this weekend, my official plan is to turn our alarms off, and see if we can sleep in! After that, it is anyone’s guess! I am feeling rather snuggly, which means that I am really wanting to stay close to home all weekend. I want to cook, clean, create, take a nap or two, maybe read a good book, walk in the rain, maybe go swimming; whatever we want! That really sounds DIVINE!! If only I could find a way to get paid to do that, CAN YOU JUST IMAGINE!!! Oh, man! That would be AWESOME!!! πŸ˜‰

Anyway, I will keep you posted on how it all goes! I just hope there will be something exciting to be able to share with you. I will keep my camera with me, and I will share with you images from my weekend! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening!!! ;-)

Making a Girl Happy!

Good evening!

I had a pretty not-so-good-kinda day and, unfortunately, that is becoming more and more the norm these days. Now to not sound too much of a suzie-downer. That is not what I want to talk about, what I do want to talk about this evening is how great my sweetie is, and how he ABSOLUTELY turned my evening around!!

I have night blindness so my sweetie drives me to and from work during the Fall and Winter months. At times, it can be a pain because I feel like such a burden on my sweetie, and it isn’t always fun not have 100% freedom to do or go wherever I want without having a driver. Tonight, on the other hand, was a HUGE BLESSING!! He picked me up, let me vent to him, he got mad for me, and then we both made a bee-line to the grocery store to pick up dinner – something that has been happening when life is just too crazy busy to cook! Anyway, long story short he picked me up some magnets, that is a WHOLE OTHER story, we picked up two magazines for this evening (Romantic Country, and Romantic Christmas), and then when I got home, I found out he finished crocheting and AWESOME hat, and if I wanted it he would let me have it!! I tried it on and IT LOOKS SOOOOO CUTE!! Which really is saying a lot because I have never really been a hat kind of girlΒ  – I love them, but they have never really loved me, that is UNTIL NOW!!! YEAH!!

My husband is so good to me, and I am so thankful that he is in my life! No matter what goes on in life, he will be right by my side!! Thank you, Baby, I am not sure what I have ever done to deserve you, but I will continue to work on making you proud!!!

So now that I am off to a TERRIFIC start of a REALLY GREAT evening I will let you go!

Have a FABULOUS evening!!! ;-)


Keeping the Momentum Going!

Good evening!

Here is a warning that this is going to be a quick post! The time change that happened yesterday was GREAT for making the weekend relaxing, but for my workday, it made it seem like it just draaaaaaged on forever!!! SHEESH!!

Click on picture to enlarge

I just wanted to take a few minutes to share with you a couple of scarves I have recently finished crocheting! Even though I hadn’t been doing too much creating in my art studio over the past few weeks, that is, until this past weekend, I did make a point to try and keep something creative going and these scarves is what I chose to keep me busy. The white one is for my sweetie, and was done with all rows of half double crochet, and double crochet.Β  I thought this would look great with his winter coat!

This variegated one was created using all double crochets, I am not sure who the other one is for yet, but I I thought this would be fun to let the color be the interesting part of this scarf.

Anyway, I am planning on crashing early this evening! Hence the short post, but I have been putting together my style file, and I will be very happy to share some of those pics with you tomorrow!

Have a FABULOUS evening!!! πŸ˜‰

Randomness Tuesday!

Me and My Sweetie

Good evening!

To say I am having a GREAT day is an understatement! There is not really one thing I can put my finger on that has made it a great day, but really a bunch of little things that have just really made me a happy girl!!

I had a good day at work today, pretty typical, but I am really feeling like I am holding my own on my team – FINALLY! I did get all beautified up to go to the office today, including putting on a dress and lashes, which always makes me feel more confident. I am not sure why I don’t take time to do that every morning!! Usually my morning consists of taking a shower, throwing on one of 5 basic outfits I wear almost every day (out of a whole PLETHORA OF CHOICES!!), and then off to work with a clean face and mostly wet hair!

My girlfriend Dawn has really inspired me to be brave and try new things with my look, like I said a couple of nights ago, but last evening she was saying that she has spent a ton of time watching tutorials online on how to do different makeup and hair techniques, so as soon as I got home I decided to see what I can find. MAN, I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED!!! There is so much hints, tips, and advice out there! That was really fun! I am not sure what I am going to try yet tomorrow, but I know that I will at least try SOMETHING new, and I am sure that will be exciting!!

Another thing that is REALLY contributing to my level of happiness today is that my house is clean!

WHOO! HOO!!! πŸ˜‰

I told Dawn that it was her fault, that if she wouldn’t have come over last night, it would never have gotten that way! I really need to invite my friends over MORE OFTEN!!! What an AMAZING feeling!!

My Sweet and Beautiful Faye!

My sweetie is also in a good mood. He is working again, and he is just soooooo much happier, which in turn, makes me soooooo much happier!! I just LOVE seeing him having a good time, feeling like he is helping his customers!!! Tonight, on his way home from work, he even brought home a yummy, but healthy Subway dinner with a light Jamba Juice for desert! WHAT A GOOD MAN I HAVE!!! Thank you, Love!!! πŸ˜‰


My official plan this evening is that I am going to watch Pride and Prejudice. Jason and I went with Dawn and Errin earlier this week to go see the new Three Muskateers movie, and I feel in love with Matthew Macfayden again!! SO DREAMY!!! πŸ˜‰ I must have a thing for men who are rough and tough, but really a romantic at heart – oh, and the British accent doesn’t hurt either!! πŸ˜‰ So I am going to get my fill of him in this movie this evening!! LOL! πŸ˜‰

I did warn you that this was a random kind of posting, and sure enough it was!!! Until tomorrow…

Have a FABULOUS evening! ;-)

NOTE: See you at Chunky Dunkers tomorrow evening! I will have posted by 7-ish!!! (Pacific time!!!) GO CHUNKY DUNKERS!!! πŸ˜‰

A Sunday of Nesting!

Good morning!

Today is looking to be a very busy, but a very good day!

I have already warned my sweetie that I am in a serious nesting kind of mood today! I already done a little reading this morning, gotten the laundry started, and I have a pot of homemade chili simmering away for a late lunch of chili with cornbread muffins. I have a few other chores I would like to get done today, and am hoping to have our place cleaned from top to bottom before the work week officially gets underway!

I am planning on finishing a scarf I am crocheting, and would like to get started on a new art piece up in my art studio sometime this afternoon, and I think it would be lovely to take a nice long walk in the rain with my sweetie this afternoon! πŸ˜‰

I will make sure to keep you posted!! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening! ;-)