Electrical Troubles!

Good evening!

Ok, so I have just had to rewrite this posting this evening! There is a heavy storm going on outside right not, and I am having some serious problems using anything via my network connection. What did we EVER do before that??? UGH! Anyway, it is my Friday evening! Yeah, I took tomorrow off so that my sweetie and I can go watch the latest installment ofย  the Twilight Saga, and kind of make a day of it. Well, I found out that Jason scheduled an appointment for us for 10 AM tomorrow morning, so there goes my casually lazy morning! Anyway, I am here to be supportive, so I am going. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I am grumpy this evening. Does it show? I would love to tell you that every day is awesome and that I am always feeling peachy-keen, but I can tell that my week of not really sleeping well, and doing WAAAAAAY too many activities after work every day this week is really adding up. For those of you that may not know me, I am the kind of person who needs A LOT of quiet home time to recuperate, and the more activities, the more stress , equals the need for MORE recuperation time at home, and to be honest with you, I really did not plan that into my week this week! I am SERIOUSLY WIPED-OUT!!!

So, tonight, in the spirit of self-care, I am going to call it an evening and go climb into my crisply made bed – AAAAAH, I really do LOVE that!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening!! ๐Ÿ˜‰