Be It Ever So Humble!

Be It Ever So Humble!

Good evening! Jason and I are happy to report that we have made it home from our visit with our family, safe and sound!! We were a little unsure that that would happen because on our return home, when we stopped on our way out 

Last Minute Prep!

Last Minute Prep!

Good evening! Whew! I am taking a break from listening to Christmas cartoons while wrapping about 1,000 little stocking stuffers for my family. Ok, maybe 1,000 might be a SLIGHT exaggeration, but I am sure that it is only by an exaggeration by a tiny 

A Lazy Sunday Evening!

A Lazy Sunday Evening!

Good evening! I have so much that my sweetie and I have to get done before we can leave for our Christmas break this week, and in all honesty I just don’t wanna do any of it!! How sad is that??? We leave for Christmas 

Hangin’ at the Manse!

Hangin’ at the Manse!

Good evening! I have had a pretty good day today!! Had a yummy brunch with my sweetie! Got all of the laundry done in the house – which if you would have seen our massive pile of dirty clothes, you would have realized what an 

My Rough Day Cure!

My Rough Day Cure!

Good evening! I had an extremely rough day today, and instead of dwelling on that, I have decided that I needed to focus on some blessings tonight; things that I am thankful for!! I’m God’s daughter My husband My dad My sisters My Aunties My 

Taking Time with My Sweetie!

Taking Time with My Sweetie!

Good evening! This is going to be a rather short post. I feel a little like the white rabbit, saying, “I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date!” Tonight, after getting some chores done, my sweetie and I are going to spend some quality 

Sunday Update!

Sunday Update!

Good evening! I have spent a good portion of my day sleeping my cold off today! 🙂 I was certain that I would have been back to my normal healthy self by now, but apparently that is not the case. Bummer! However, my husband has 

Ready for Thanksgiving!

Ready for Thanksgiving!

Good evening! I have had a pretty darn good day today! It completely helped that today is my Friday to a 4-day weekend, I got off work a little early this afternoon, and that my sweetie has been completely and totally charmingly helpful this evening! 

My Tree Is Done!!

My Tree Is Done!!

Good evening! It has taken me three days, but I have finally finished decorating my Christmas tree!! WHOO! HOO!!! I know it is early, but I really have needed a little Christmas spirit early this year! 😉 I wasn’t going to put up our tree 



Good evening! As most of you may have noticed, but I am quite the reader. I really love falling into a great book, and this week, I had the pleasure of falling into a total of 3 great books. The Magic Thief, The Magic Thief