Sunday Update!

Good evening!

I have spent a good portion of my day sleeping my cold off today! 🙂 I was certain that I would have been back to my normal healthy self by now, but apparently that is not the case. Bummer! However, my husband has been very sweet and has taken great care of me today! Thank you, Baby! I sure do love you!!!  🙂

I am ready for my work week this week! We have a few Christmas activities this week, so I am hoping that it will be a rather fun week!! 🙂 I am so ready for Christmas this season. I am ready to be sleeping over at my sister’s house, laughing, playing games, watching movies, playing with the kiddos, and just having a great time!! 😉

Ok, so maybe I am just dreaming of a nice long, and I mean loooong vacation! I would LOVE to be able to find a log cabin, up in the woods, where there is snow on the ground, and my sweetie and I can hang out with a roaring fire in a fire place, cooking sweet meals, reading, snuggling, that would be PRICELESS!!! 😉

Ok, so I digress! Since I have spent most of my day sleeping, and yesterday wasn’t much more productive, I don’t really have anything new to talk about tonight!

So, with that being said, I will make sure to do a better job of coming up with topics of conversation for the rest of the week!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS evening! 🙂