Author: Chrissie B.

Marriage Can Be Rough!

Marriage Can Be Rough!

The hardest part about being married is that you are married to someone who is not you! I have basically lived as a single woman for the past 8 months, and now that my sweetie has moved back home, I am trying re-trying to learn 

Day of Ups and Emergencies!

Day of Ups and Emergencies!

WHEW!!! Out of two weeks of absolute craziness, today was a day that I could FINALLY breathe!! HAAAAAAA! I am sure you felt that from where you are sitting!! I am sorry if I just blew your papers off of your desk!!! 😉 OMG, I 

The Kiddos in My Life!

The Kiddos in My Life!

One of the things that I live for every week is swimming with my family! Every week I tell myself that I need to get out my camera and take new pictures of those kiddos, and every week, we spend so much time having fun that I forget to actually do it!! They are growing soooo much this Summer. I am just AMAZED at how much they grow from week to week! I must be getting older because I catch myself looking at them and realizing that it is going to be like a blink of my eye and before I know it they will be all grown up! I hope they know how much I love them!! My plan is to live it up with them for as long as I can!!! Good night my little sweet babboos!!! 😉 Your Auntie Chrissy loves you more that you will EVER know!!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS evening!! 😉

Good Night Sweetheart!!

Good Night Sweetheart!!

I am on my way upstairs to go to bed, but I thought I would just stop and recommend a lovely book to you that I just finished reading. The book is called The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. The entire book is 

A Quickie Post!

A Quickie Post!

Hello! It has been a long day, I am thoroughly tired, and am eager to climb into my comfy bed!!! So, before I go I just wanted to give you a topic that has been on my mind for the past couple of nights, and 

My Day Started Early & Ended With A Poppycock!!

My Day Started Early & Ended With A Poppycock!!

WHEW!!! I have to tell you that today has been one


WOW!! My mind is going a million miles an hour right now – I am having a hard time just keeping up with my thoughts as I am sitting here typing this!!!

Let’s start by just saying ALL HELL IS BREAKING OUT AT WORK RIGHT NOW!!!! That is as much as I am going to say about that because 1) I really would like to keep my job 2) I am not here to bash, whine, complain, or be a downer and 3) I know that there is just SOME lesson SOME WHERE in all of this craziness that I need to learn so that I am ready for WHATEVER is going to come next in my life!

I got to work REALLY EARLY this morning, I stayed 2-1/2 hours LATE. Got home, made a healthy dinner, ate, did a bunch of chores, errands, goal-oriented tasks, and I have to confess my FAVORITE part of my day was when my Sweetie came and had lunch with me today!!! OH, I just LOVE THAT MAN!!! He is just sooo sweet, and he LITERALLY turned my perspective around, because when he first got to me at noon, I literally thought I was going to break down and cry – I was THAT STRESSED OUT!!!!

Thank Big’Spoon!! 😉

On another note, my biggest time-wasting activity is watching the tele!!! If I were being honest, I would have to confess that I can sit and watch something like 4 or 5 hours a night!! UGH!!! WHAT AN UGLY TRUTH!!! So, I have decided that I will let myself watch one hour of tele per weeknight, if I feel I must, BUT the rest of my day will be spent being more proactive for my Absolute “Yes” List – so you remember what that was?? For those that don’t remember, this is my list of 5 things that ABSOLUTELY NEED my attention!!! My Absolute “Yes” List consists of:

  1. My health
  2. My marriage
  3. My Home
  4. My Finances
  5. Self-Imployment

So am I doing more being to meet my needs in those areas verses just sitting around like a BIG OL’ SLUG!!!

Ok, so on a ZANY side note: I have been watching this season of America’s Got Talent, and I have to tell you, there are SOOOO MANY GREAT acts this season, but there is one gentleman that is SOOOO


that I want to meet him and become THE BEST OF FRIENDS!!! The person I am talking about is ‘PRINCE POPPYCOCK’!! He is ABSOLUTELY DIVINE!!! Not only is he one-of-a-kind, a SMASHING dresser, FABULOUSLY dramatic, HE CAN SING!!! WOW!! KUDDOS TO HIM, and who knew that opera could be SOOOOO MUCH FUN, HONEY!?!?!?!? I hope he makes it to the finale, and HONEY, IF HE WOULD JUST TEACH ME HOW TO WALK IN THOSE HEELS!!! MERCY!!!!!!! 😉

Anyway, I hope you have FABULOUS evening!!!

What a Good Day!!!

What a Good Day!!!

Today has been a very productive day!!! Work was good, home is good, puppies are good, hubby is good. How many days can you say that??? I have started, no let me rephrase, I have RE-started tracking my food on Weight Watcher’s website as of 

It’s Official, I am Not Contageous!!!

It’s Official, I am Not Contageous!!!

Thank goodness! I spent a good portion of my afternoon today at my doctor’s office. I broke out in a rash all over my back, abdomen, and chest yesterday, and I needed to make sure that I wasn’t going to be spreading it to everyone 

Ok, Let’s Try This Again!

Ok, Let’s Try This Again!

I have already written an entire posting, but for some reason when I “published” it, it failed, so here I am posting – take II! 🙂

I got home on Friday, and have been squirreling myself away all weekend with my homebody-self, my two puppies, and my sweetie!! I am finally back on my regular time frame, thank goodness!! and, I am getting ready to go back to work in my real life!! This week is the first week that we are without one of our team mates, and I am just hoping that we will be able to handle anything that may come our way! 🙂 I will keep you posted!

Alright, it is getting late – I am sorry this post is so short, I will try and make sure to spend a little more time tomorrow chatting, and letting you know how everything is going with me!!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS evening! 😉

Last Night of Pampered Bliss!!

Last Night of Pampered Bliss!!

Class is all done!!! My brain is perfectly fried! and I am supremely ready to go home!! Well, ok, let’s not jump the gun quite yet – I do get to hang out in this awesome hotel room for one more night!!! I came in