What a Good Day!!!

There is nothing more important than FAMILY!!! πŸ˜‰

Today has been a very productive day!!! Work was good, home is good, puppies are good, hubby is good. How many days can you say that???

I have started, no let me rephrase, I have RE-started tracking my food on Weight Watcher’s website as of this morning. So I had to do some planning to make sure I had some healthy choices on hand at all times!!! Which means, I spent the majority of my evening cooking and preparing food for my lunches and dinners for the rest of the week!

While cooking I spent a couple hours on the phone with my sisters, which is ALWAYS a bunch of fun!!! I really miss hanging out with them. I often dream that they will all move here, and we can have frequent get togethers a-la-Soul Food, or movie nights, or shopping excursions, or just spending time making memories!! However, most of my sisters think that my city is just too big, and busy, so they will never move north. BUMMER!!! I have already lived in their city, and GOOD-GRANNY, I WILL NOT do that again!!! Their city is a place where old people go to die! But what do I know??? LOL!! I love you, girls – even though you live in hick-ville!! πŸ˜‰

On another note, I have just been running around like crazy, so anything I can do to shave off some time during my days ALL THE BETTER, and I have to tell you, planning out my outfits the night before work has been saving me SOOOO MUCH TIME!!!! πŸ™‚ I am usually the last one to work, and I have been one of the first the past two days!! I am not getting much more work done, since I am still in the beginning learning stages of my new job duties, but it still feels pretty dang good to get one of the good parking spots and to beat most of my co-workers getting there!!!

Oh, and can I just tell you one silly thing you may not know about me before I go for the day? I am sooooo excited about the new Nanny McPhee movie that is coming out at the end of the month! I can’t wait to go see it!!! It is like a modern day Mary Poppins combined with etiquette lessons – IT’S RIGHT UP THIS GIRLS’ ALLEY!!!!!!

Ok, so I am going to go get ready for bed!!! Mamma needs her beauty sleep!!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!! πŸ˜‰