The Kiddos in My Life!

One of the things that I live for every week is swimming with my family! Every week I tell myself that I need to get out my camera and take new pictures of those kiddos, and every week, we spend so much time having fun that I forget to actually do it!! They are growing soooo much this Summer. I am just AMAZED at how much they grow from week to week! I must be getting older because I catch myself looking at them and realizing that it is going to be like a blink of my eye and before I know it they will be all grown up! I hope they know how much I love them!! My plan is to live it up with them for as long as I can!!! Good night my little sweet babboos!!! 😉 Your Auntie Chrissy loves you more that you will EVER know!!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS evening!! 😉