Tag Archives: Winfrey

We Love You, Oprah!

Good evening!!

I got home this evening, and was VERY excited to see that my sweetie had recorded Oprah’s last episode!! So, I have spent the last 45 minutes watching and crying, and watching some more!!

I just LOVE Oprah, as I am sure a lot of you have too!! Oprah has been a constant in my life since I was 10 years old! Always bringing words of wisdom, comfort, laughter, and inspiration! A friend when I needed a friend, a momma when I needed a momma, and an auntie when I needed an auntie!! I have dreamed about being a guest on her show, and have dreamed about being in the audience during one of her greatest things episodes!!

What I think I love the most about her final episode is that it is just her, all alone, speaking to us. Speaking to me. I love that she speaks about God, capital “G”, and how important he is in our lives! It is so GREAT to see someone of such high visibility talking about “God”, and not calling him something safe, or PC. Calling him by name is so powerful, and I am not sure why I needed to hear that, but I find that I really did! Thank you, Oprah!!

Also, her message about it being our responsibility to know what kind of energy we are bringing to any situation, really hit home for me!!! This made me question, “What kind of energy do I carry around with me every day?” I know that I am going to be thinking about that all day tomorrow, and for the rest of the week! I want it to keep me conscious of what energy I am bringing into the room at work, at home, at dance class, with friends, family, or complete strangers!!

Oprah has made me want to somehow change the world, even if that is only through helping my small circle of friends and family! I want to leave an indelible mark on this world. I am not sure what that is going to look like, but I know that it is greater than I that would be accomplishing this!

I know that this is not the last we will hear of Miss Oprah, rather this will be the beginning of a new adventure in her life. I can sit here with confidence and know that no matter where she is or what she is doing, I can know that she has made me a better me for having listened to her, and observing her actions! I thank her dearly, even though I have never even met her. I pray for her in all of her future endeavors, and I KNOW in my soul,  that someday the two of us will meet, and I will be able to express my gratitude to her in person!!

Until that day, Oprah, WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU!!!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS evening!!