Tag: Random Thoughts

A Random Monday!

A Random Monday!

Good evening! I am home! YEAH!!! You know, I thought my life was pretty regimented before, but it is even more now! Who knew that was even possible!?!??? πŸ˜‰ Just a warning, I can tell that tonight’s post is just going to be a jumble 

Getting Back to Gettin’!

Getting Back to Gettin’!

Good evening! I know that I have been a little MIA for the past few days, and I was still close to not posting tonight either. I have had a very long, busy day, and am exhausted. I didn’t sleep very well last night, as 

A Lazy Sunday Evening!

A Lazy Sunday Evening!

Good evening!

I have so much that my sweetie and I have to get done before we can leave for our Christmas break this week, and in all honesty I just don’t wanna do any of it!! How sad is that??? We leave for Christmas break on Thursday afternoon, straight from picking me up from the office. I really can’t wait, which is why I think I am not motivated to any of the things I know I ought to be doing, but that is because I just want to get out of here and see my peeps!!! πŸ˜‰

OH, I have just discovered that I have gotten my first pen-pal letter in the mail the other day!!! I was so excited when my sweetie handed it to me and said, “Oopsie, I may have forgotten to give you something important.” So, dear pen-pal, you know who you are, I will be getting my letter out to you ASAP!! πŸ˜‰

What else? Well, my sweetie has two venous stasis ulcers on his leg (I think that is how you spell that). He has been dealing with them for quite a few months, and even though the are doing better then they were, Jason just showed me the bigger of the two and all I can say is “EW!!” I am not sure why he insists on showing me all of his boo-boos and injuries; I am sure it has to be some kind of a guy thing!!! πŸ˜‰

Changing the subject, but some of you know that I am currently working on a goal to blog every single day for 365 days straight, and I am very happy to announce that I am only 2 DAYS away from meeting that goal!! YEAH!!! Blogging has been such a fun and rewarding experience for me. I have met so many new and interesting people, and I have been introduced, slowly and surely to a whole community of creative people in the blog world!! I feel like I have grown as an individual and blogging has helped me see my life from a different perspective; giving me the ability to see what has not been working, and continue to do what has been working!!

So there you have it!! πŸ˜‰

I am ready to get this week started, I am so excited to see my family!! I am staying at my sister, Jennifer’s place,Β  but then all of us sisters are going to go slumber party-style-itΒ  at our other sister, Alice’s house for Christmas even so Santa only has to stop at one place, and we can all open stockings and have a fun Christmas day at one place!! πŸ™‚ Doesn’t that sound fun!! Yes, it will be a blast!! I will make sure to take a ton of pics, and share with you!!! πŸ˜‰

In the meantime, I am going to spend some time with my sweetie, now that he has officially stopped working for the evening!! πŸ™‚

Have a FABULOUS evening! :-)

Feeling More Like Me!

Feeling More Like Me!

Good evening! I have just gotten home with my sweetie, and I am sitting here with my girls keeping me warm! I have to tell you that I am feeling so much better than I have in the past few days! Thank you for all 

Ready for Thanksgiving!

Ready for Thanksgiving!

Good evening! I have had a pretty darn good day today! It completely helped that today is my Friday to a 4-day weekend, I got off work a little early this afternoon, and that my sweetie has been completely and totally charmingly helpful this evening! 

Randomness Tuesday!

Randomness Tuesday!

Me and My Sweetie

Good evening!

To say I am having a GREAT day is an understatement! There is not really one thing I can put my finger on that has made it a great day, but really a bunch of little things that have just really made me a happy girl!!

I had a good day at work today, pretty typical, but I am really feeling like I am holding my own on my team – FINALLY! I did get all beautified up to go to the office today, including putting on a dress and lashes, which always makes me feel more confident. I am not sure why I don’t take time to do that every morning!! Usually my morning consists of taking a shower, throwing on one of 5 basic outfits I wear almost every day (out of a whole PLETHORA OF CHOICES!!), and then off to work with a clean face and mostly wet hair!

My girlfriend Dawn has really inspired me to be brave and try new things with my look, like I said a couple of nights ago, but last evening she was saying that she has spent a ton of time watching tutorials online on how to do different makeup and hair techniques, so as soon as I got home I decided to see what I can find. MAN, I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED!!! There is so much hints, tips, and advice out there! That was really fun! I am not sure what I am going to try yet tomorrow, but I know that I will at least try SOMETHING new, and I am sure that will be exciting!!

Another thing that is REALLY contributing to my level of happiness today is that my house is clean!

WHOO! HOO!!! πŸ˜‰

I told Dawn that it was her fault, that if she wouldn’t have come over last night, it would never have gotten that way! I really need to invite my friends over MORE OFTEN!!! What an AMAZING feeling!!

My Sweet and Beautiful Faye!

My sweetie is also in a good mood. He is working again, and he is just soooooo much happier, which in turn, makes me soooooo much happier!! I just LOVE seeing him having a good time, feeling like he is helping his customers!!! Tonight, on his way home from work, he even brought home a yummy, but healthy Subway dinner with a light Jamba Juice for desert! WHAT A GOOD MAN I HAVE!!! Thank you, Love!!! πŸ˜‰


My official plan this evening is that I am going to watch Pride and Prejudice. Jason and I went with Dawn and Errin earlier this week to go see the new Three Muskateers movie, and I feel in love with Matthew Macfayden again!! SO DREAMY!!! πŸ˜‰ I must have a thing for men who are rough and tough, but really a romantic at heart – oh, and the British accent doesn’t hurt either!! πŸ˜‰ So I am going to get my fill of him in this movie this evening!! LOL! πŸ˜‰

I did warn you that this was a random kind of posting, and sure enough it was!!! Until tomorrow…

Have a FABULOUS evening! ;-)

NOTE: See you at Chunky Dunkers tomorrow evening! I will have posted by 7-ish!!! (Pacific time!!!) GO CHUNKY DUNKERS!!! πŸ˜‰



Good evening! Ok, so my mind is racing and I am stumped as to what to talk about at the same time! πŸ˜‰ So, let me start, by telling you about my day… I got up, super early for some unexplained reason, wrote my morning 

Taking a Moment to Catch Up!

Taking a Moment to Catch Up!

Good evening! Tonight is the last night of our two week vacation! Jason and I are both going back to work tomorrow. Normally I would be a little bummed about it, but to be honest with you, I have been going a little stir-crazy, and 

It’s Friday! Friday! Friday!!

It’s Friday! Friday! Friday!!

Good morning, you FABULOUS people!!

I am in a really good place right now, and I can’t help but share some of that newly found joy with you!!! I have to confess, after my hour of morning pages, I started to get ready for work, and found myself doing some belly dancing to Rhianna!!! She has got such a GREAT beat in her music, it was fun!!

I am getting ready to head to work for the day, but I am hoping to get off a little bit early today, I do have a couple of errands that I want to run, and then I am thinking that my sweetie and I will go play in the pool for a while!!! Oh it is fun to be a kid again!!! πŸ˜‰

I was telling my sis last night, that it I am just LOVING having activities in my life that I LOVE to do!! That is the key to happiness!! Oh, and having people to share those activities with!!! πŸ˜‰

I am trying to decide what creative activity I would like to do this weekend. I am meeting Dawn in the morning for coffee downtown, so I am thinking that I am going to take my knitting, with extras (yarn and knitting needles) in case anyone would like to join me, and then people watch while visiting with Dawn!! Doesn’t that just sound delicious????

I am also needing to do some some serious kitchen overhauling and make a trip to the health food store to get some NEW groceries for our place. I have a restaurant that I just discovered last night that I want to tell you all about, but I don’t have time to get the pics ready before work today, so IΒ  will post those pics and tell you all about my NEW FAVORITE RESTAURANT downtown!! In the meantime, I will tell you that the new restaurant has really inspired me to incorporate more FRESHNESS into my meals, raw vegetables are our friends!! LOL!! Hence the need to go to the Health Food store!! PRODUCE RUN!!! πŸ˜‰

Anyway, I am off!!

Have a FABULOUS day!!! πŸ˜‰

Note to Chunky Dunkers: I have not forgotten about you, my lovelies!!! Keep up the hard work, it will be SOOOO WORTH IT!!! GO CHUNKY DUNKERS!!! πŸ˜‰

A Taxing Kind of Morning!

A Taxing Kind of Morning!

Good morning! Having meditated before bed last night, which in turn caused me to fall asleep faster, I woke up early this morning raring to go!! I’ve decided that I needed to gather my tax papers so that I can file my taxes! I was