
Good evening!

Ok, so my mind is racing and I am stumped as to what to talk about at the same time! 😉

So, let me start, by telling you about my day…

I got up, super early for some unexplained reason, wrote my morning pages for about an hour (which felt pretty dang good, if I am being honest), got ready for work, went to work, and then got off work, and came home. Ok, so that wasn’t too terribly exciting!

What else?

Well, it is a cold, rainy, and blustery day outside, which I ABSOLUTELY LOVE being an Oregonian, by birth, so as soon as I got home, I slipped out of my work clothes and slipped into my hubby’s GINORMOUS bathrobe!!! SINFULLY DELICIOUS!!!

I am planning on spending my evening reading some more of the new Rick Riordan book, The Son of Neptune. My sweetie and I are both reading it at the same time, and he has more time to read than I do. What that means is that if I don’t hurry and catch up to him, he will finish reading the whole book and be off to another one before we even get a chance to speak about what happened! So, I am DETERMINED to catch up!! 😉

What else? Oh yeah! I had an idea yesterday that I could sell most of my belongings, put the rest in storage and RV around the US for the next year. I thought it was a fantasy brought on by a stressful worklife. Well, when I casually mentioned it to Jason last evening, he TOTALLY LOVED the idea, and now I can’t seem to stop thinking about it. I want to look for RV’s, figure out how much storage will cost for at least a year, etc., etc., etc.! Ok, so I am sure that it may be a fleeting-random-thought!! but just in case, I may have to go check out some RV sales!! 😉

Ok, so you were totally forwarned that my thoughts were racing.

Dinner tonight doesn’t help! I started dinner with some string cheese, and some carrots. Then about 20 minutes later I had some tator tots. Now I am waiting for our chicken to be finished, whenever that is gonna happen!!

Sheesh! It is a rather a-typical night around our residence, if I must say so myself!

Anyway, I am going to close up shop here and get some reading done!!

Have a FABULOUS evening! ;-)