Tag Archives: Pentacle Theater

A Magical Night Out with My Sweetie!!

Good morning!!

As I have been promising, today I wanted to tell you about what an AMAZING time I had with my love out on Friday night!! Before I do that, let me tell you a little bit of back story! My sweetie and I met when we were 18, and married 8 months later! It was a passionate romance that has lasted much longer than anyone ever expected, and is still going strong today!!

Jason and I are almost exact opposites!! He is casual, laid back, spontaneous, and I am uptight, worrisome, and a planner since way back!! Well, we complement each other in most every way, and that is why we work so well together!! He reminds me how to be a kid, and I remind him how to be a grown up!! LOL!! It just works, and I am just coo-coo for this man of mine!! To say the VERY LEAST!

Well, as I have been going through my Artist Way journey for the past 6 weeks, I have been unknowingly changing at warp speed, and I hadn’t realized how that was affecting Jason. He, ever my biggest cheerleader and supporter, decided that he would surprise me with a date for Friday night. Now Jason almost NEVER plans A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!! Matter of fact, his favorite line is, “honey, what are we doing today” because he just KNOWS that I plan E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!! He informed me on Tuesday morning that we were going to have a date on Friday night, but it was going to be a surprise, and he would take care of everything. I was skeptical, but also excited to see that he had finally planned a real date – you see in 16 years of marriage, there may have been one, or two times TOTAL that he has ever planned a date. He is more of a spontaneous, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of guy, and that means that we may go out to eat, or to the movies, but it doesn’t get too much fancier then that unless I am taking care of all of the arrangements!

Well, this past Friday was our date night, and to say that he dazzled me may be a HUGE understatement!! He had been giving me little hints all week, because as you can imagine, I was freaking out about where are we going? What is he going to make me do? Who are we going to be with? etc. etc. (at 35 years old, I realize that I may not like surprises!)

I met him at the house, he looked GREAT, and smelled EVEN BETTER!! I LOVE THAT!!! and we left for our date!! The first place we stopped was Bentley’s for a FABULOUS dinner!! I had the roasted chicken, and had a spicy red snapper!! He is so much fun to hang out with and just talk about all sorts of anything!!

We had some time before our next appointment, and Jason took me over to Startbucks to grab something caffeinated, since he knew I normally go to bed so early, and he didn’t want me to miss anything of the next activity he had planned!! We sat at Starbuck’s for a while, chatting with each other, and also with a young girl who was there who was apparently a Harry Potter fanatic, so we got to talk books!! Something else that I really LOVE!!!

Well, we were again on our way. We were heading to the Pentacle Theater, and I had heard a lot of great things about it, but never really had the chance to go there myself until this night! What I did know was that the Pentacle Theater is a small company who put on productions of various plays. Well, was I in for a big surprise!

When we got there, the surroundings were BEAUTIFUL!! The Pentacle Theater is tucked back into a woodland forrest, and everything around is green, mossy, and smells perfectly of Oregon!! I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I was sure getting excited about what was to come. The play that we were going to be watching was Educating Rita, something I had never heard of before this evening, and it was PHENOMENAL, to say the ABSOLUTE LEAST!!!

This play is a comedy about two people, a university professor, Frank, with a growing drinking problem, and a student, Rita, who comes from a undereducated background but wants Frank to teach her about “EVERYTHING”!!! To watch these two actors, one of whom Jason knows personally, was mesmerizing. I have never seen a play in such close quarters, seeing that it was just a small building we were all nestled in. The actors WERE the characters, so it was so easy to fall into the story!! You could literally see the transformation that each of the two characters were going through with Frank and his drinking becoming more and more of a problem as his love for Rita grows, but she is also growing away from him as she discovers more of the world. You watch RitaΒ  grow and change from an ignorant girl who wants to know everything into a sophisticated, educated, and elegant woman whose eyes have been opened to the entire world around her by her professor who she adores, but no longer relies on for her self worth.

During the opening monologue, Professor Frank, played by Michael Swanson, one of Jason’s personal friends, was basically telling us the rules for the theater, while in character, and we were his students in his classroom. He singled out a couple of people in the audience to give specific instructions to, and Jason was one of them!! It was so funny!! and Jason was just tickled!! The whole rest of the evening, Jason just kept saying, “I can’t believe he said my name!!” “Wasn’t that cool?? He said my name!!!” LOL!! πŸ˜‰

It was a truly MAGICAL night!! Jason had really outdone himself! TRULY!! He has unknowingly helped expand my creative world, and I bet you he doesn’t even realize it!! πŸ˜‰

We have decided to make the commitment to not only start donating to Pentacle Theater, but we are also going to be attending every production from now on! Jason has even decided that he is going to go back and look into volunteering there, which I think will be EXTREMELY good for him!! He has ALWAYS been such a HELPER!! πŸ˜‰ I am so proud of him! and so thankful that God has blessed me by placing Jason my life!!! I didn’t realize that when I had started the Artist’s Way, that it might just be changing Jason a little too!!

I love you, Baby-Jay, and I truly, truly thank your for this SPECTACULAR evening that you had so seemlessly put together for us!! You have KNOCKED my BOBBY-SOCKS OFF and I love you EVEN MORE for it!!! I hope to return that favor for you someday soon!! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS day!! πŸ˜‰