Tag Archives: Organic Produce

Catch-Up Tuesday!

Good evening!

I have to tell you that today has been such a very good day!! REALLY!!! The sun is shining, Chris and I have help at work now, which is DIVINE!!! Plus Julie really is VERY SWEET, so she has been a joyful addition to our team!!

I am sorry that my posts have been a little sparse the past two days! I had gotten caught up in a book – yes, I still do read, EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE!! I just finished reading  City of Fallen Angels, by Cassandra Claire, with my girlfriend, and co-worker Chris. She had finished it before me, which meant I HAD TO GET IT READ so that we could discuss!! WHEW!! So that is what I have been busy doing.

Ok, I got the last few pages read right before bed last evening! and can I tell you???


There is a movie that came out in 1982 that my mom used to watch A LOT when I was a little girl, it was called The Pirate Movie. Well, at the end of that movie, the main character, Mabel, who had been having a pirate dream for the length of the movie, realized she was getting a bad ending. She start calling out, “I want a happy ending! I want a happy ending!!” and the dream froze and, long story short – she got her happy ending!! Well,


For those of you who haven’t read City of Fallen Angels yet, Chris and I are both sooooo dang frustrated that we have to wait probably another year before we get to find out WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!! UGH!!!

What is a girl to do??

Hmmm… I could always start another book???


As I said earlier in this post, it is so nice and sunny here today – the first real feeling day of Spring!! FINALLY! This cheery, warm weather has started me dreaming about my farm again!! I am so ready to go out and find my farm! Today would be the most DELIGHTFUL day to go out and play in the gardens, take a nice leisurely walk, and spend some time laughing with my sweetie in the great outdoors!!

My sweetie is out working on a roof for a customer, and so I am home alone for dinner. I had a pretty big lunch today, so I have decided to do a light fruit and veggie based dinner tonight – kind of like a mini cleanse!! I have had a lovely pear, a nice crisp apple, and some freshly sliced strawberries!! Later, when/if I get hungry again, I have the makings of a fresh, crisp, green salad, which should be DELICIOUS!! if I get really hungry, we have some fresh baguette in the kitchen too, that I can tear a chunk off of!! Or maybe I can add about an ounce of cheese to the mix, for some calcium-rich protein! YUM! We’ll see! (NOTE: this is my attempt to live spontaneously! WILD? I KNOW!!!!)

I have decided to start buying only organic produce. It is more expensive, but I think in the long run, it can only help us by not consuming quite as many chemicals as we have eaten in the past! So, we have been eating organic produce for a few days now, and I have to tell you, that I was pleasantly surprised by the taste of a lot of these foods. They just taste better. More flavor, richer, somehow!! It has been less than a week, and I am already hooked!! Go figure!! Thanks for the words of encouragement, Sis!!! 😉

Tonight, I am going to do a little more reading, but I think I am also going to go take a nice walk out in nature, and just soak up as much vitamin D as I possibly can!!! Doesn’t that just sound lovely???

Have a FABULOUS evening!!

Note to Chunky Dunkers: I can’t wait to see all of you at our Chunky Dunker’s Club, here tomorrow night!!! It will be great to talk about our ups and downs in our efforts to getting fit and healthy!! If anyone would like to join us – I should have the night’s post published by 6:30 PM! The more the merrier! GO CHUNKY DUNKERS!!! 😉