Tag Archives: Neice

Megan Night!!

Good evening!

Tonight is Megan night!! We haven’t had one of those in quite a while!! I w beginning to wonder what she even looked like!! LOL!!! Tonight she pretty much has free reign to decide what we are going to be doing for the evening!!! So far we have gone to the theatre and watched Narnia Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It was pretty stinkin’ fun! It is so cool to watch Megan watch a movie. She just gets so into it, kinda like when I take her out and we go people watching!!! and I just LOVE her commentary, being 8, she has such a cool perception of the things that happen in movies!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Right now Jason and her are playing the video game Cars together!! They are just so cute!! Jason is playing really slow so she has some time to learn how to use her controller. Later on this evening, we are going to pack our stuff up and go hit the pool, and maybe swing by Cold Stoneย  and have a little ice cream, before getting ready for bed!!

Tomorrow she has requested that we go to “the downtown” tomorrow!! She is VERY EXCITED to be doing that! I am not exactly sure what we have planned, but I do know that she is getting a manicure from her auntie tomorrow!!! She LOVES that, I LOVE doing that for her!!

Now about my week. Work has been alright! I have been working really late most every day this week, although I did promise Megan that I wouldn’t work AT ALL this weekend – if you remember, last time she spent the night, I had to work ALL FREAKIN’ WEEKEND!!! It really was a bummer, so I am hoping to make it up to her this weekend!!! Oh, back to work, well, I think there is finally light at the end of our busy tunnels, but it hope is coming, that is all that matters!!!

Jason has been doing AMAZING at helping around the house, and doing little things here and there to show his love and support! It has been rough for him, not being steadily employed, but I truly appreciate all that he has done for us!!! I couldn’t do what I do, and stay sane, without him! I feel like I have my old Jason back!! He just seems so much more relaxed, and he is excited to LIVE again! For those of you who have been with us since the beginning, you know that he has had a rough couple of years, with one tragedy after another that he was having to deal with, but I must say that he is doing GREAT!! I am just sooo proud of him!!! I LOVE YOU, BABY!! I STILL THANK GOD FOR YOU!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Well, I am going to see if I can rustle up the “kids” to get off of their game so we can go swimming!!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰