Tag Archives: Marines

A New Take on the Tortoise & the Hare

Good morning!

Jason is busy telling me about his dream from this morning. He said that he dreamt that he was in boot camp for the Marine Corps, and he decided that he wanted to be an officer because he knew that would make me happy. He said he was the last in line, and wanted to get the attention of the drill sergeant.  Well, when he finally got to where the sergeant was doling out commands, he was surprised that he and another little skinny guy was chosen to do a race together. Jason was worried because he hadn’t heard the whole instruction, but he decided to use that to his advantage, by shouting at the other guy, “Well, what are you waiting for? Move it! Move it!!” Well, the little guy took off like a shot, and Jason waited, while the other guy got out of hearing distance, and said to the sergeant,

“Is there any thing you want us to do along the way?”

The sergeant, said “Yes, I forgot my hat, would you mind getting it for me?”

Well, Jason said he, took off at kind of a jog, and having watched where the other guy went Jason kind of followed him. By the time the other guy was shooting past Jason to get back to the sergeant, Jason was chuckling to himself because he knew something the little guy didn’t. Jason calls back over his should to the guy, who is now farther away from him, and yesll, “Hey, did you get the sarg’s hat??” The little guy immediately turned around to go back to the building from which he had just returned from. However, Jason had already gotten there, had the sergeant’s hat in hand and was jogging back towards the sergeant. Jason said the whole time the little guy kept hopping all around him like a cartoon caracter saying,

“Come on, give it me. Aw man, come on, please? please?” Like a little puppy to a giant great dane or something!!

HA! HA! HA! HA! I am not sure what that says about my husband, but if any of you would like to psychoanalyze him, I am sure the free counseling would be much appreciated!!! HA! HA! HA!!

Note to those of you who may not know: my husband is 6’8″, and is a gentle giant of a man!! which is why this dream is just so comical!!! 😉

I love you, Sweetie!! Thank you for sharing your dream with me, and letting me share it here!!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS day!! 😉