Tag Archives: Making Changes

Life Changing!

Good evening!

I have been giving a lot of thought to the idea of changing my life. What decisions/actions/changes could literally change my life in such a way that it pivots my life’s axis and lead me on the path of my DREAM future.

You know I really have been pissing and moaning about my life a lot lately, I realize this, and I m sure that to those around me who may hear about my woes almost constantly, I am sure you are sick and tired of hearing it – I KNOW I AM!!! I know in my head that everything that I have in my life right now is there because I have created it. I chose where to live, what to become, how I spend my time, what activities I do on a consistent basis, and for the MOST part – I am perfectly contented! Believe it or not! 😉

I feel like I have now come to a fork in the road and I have some decisions that have to be made.

What do I want to do/be/have next???

It kind of feels like, that at 35 years old, I am going through some kind of mid-life crisis, of sorts! I know I am actively working on taking new chances now, but I am having some difficulty coming up with ideas for what some of those actions might be.

  • Take a new class
  • Start a new business
  • Join a new club
  • Go out of my way to meet someone new
  • Find something to do that takes me out of my comfort zone

But, there is the clincher – it is the getting out of your own comfort zone thingie!! I talk big, but in reality, I find a am a BIG OL” CHICKEN!!!! Hence the desire to sign up for something that scares the CRAPOLA out of me, BELLY DANCING, and I am planning on doing it ANYWAYS!!! Will this change my life? Maybe note. Will this pivot the direction of my entire life?? Maybe note. But maybe, just maybe it will help me flex and grown my BIG-GIRL MUSCLES and create some POSITIVE MOMENTUM in my life!!!

If you could choose ONE THING to change in YOUR LIFE,  what one thing would you choose, AND what is ONE action that you would take to MOVE IN THAT DIRECTION??? Let me know in the comments section above, I would GREATLY appreciate hearing your thoughts and ideas!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!! 😉