Tag Archives: Love Will Win

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Good morning, world!

Well, I awoke this morning to learn who the new US president is going to be. I am surprised, and saddened by it all. Today is a very scary turning point for this country, but I pray that with love as our focus, we will be okay.

As I look to the future of this great nation, I pray that we continue to stand united. I pray that we continue to fight hate, bigotry, misogyny, and segregation, and I pray that we can, somehow, make love the foundation of this great nation. I am firmly standing by what I said yesterday. We need love more today than ever, and it is up to each of us as individuals to share that love with all those around us.

I am signing off early today to go spend time with those that I love.

No matter what, here is to a love-filled day,
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