Tag Archives: Lazy

The Best Kind of Naked Sunday!

Good afternoon!

I have had the BEST kind of naked Sunday ever!! One hanging out and playing with my sweetie, Jason!! We have spent the day so far, cooking, reading, writing, playing in the pool, and pretty much just having a PHENOMENAL day!! 😉

This evening, we are planning on having a special, healthy, grilled dinner that we are going to make together. He is begging to have a Eureka marathon – the tv show? I may have to give in, eventually! 😉 and I may give him the satisfaction of kicking my booty at a game of chess tonight – that is usually how that goes, and then I wipe him out at Bananagrams…well ok, almost. 😉

My goal is to practice extreme-self-care today: Eating healthy, exercise, rest, relaxation, play, and to bed on time, all the while enjoying some quality time with my sweetie!! THAT is my definition of the BEST kind of naked Sunday!! 😉

AND, Have I told you that I have my first intermediate belly dancing class tomorrow evening? I have officially graduated my beginner’s class and will be in this class for at least the next 8 weeks. I can’t wait!! I will keep you posted! 🙂

Well, I am getting back to my sweetie and our day!!

Have a FABULOUS evening! 😉