Tag Archives: Hubbies

Dinner at the Manse!

Good evening!

Ok, so it wasn’t exactly at the manse, it was a condo, but it was dinner, and it was dinner with FAMILY!!! Family means so much to me, I hope that anyone who has ever read my blog knows that about me!! SO WHEN ARE YOU ALL MOVING TO SALEM ALREADY????? Anyway, I digress. Jason made his KILLER barbecue chicken legs, which are simply DELECTABLE!!! I can’t believe he braved this freezing weather to stand outside and cook over the grill!!! HE IS SUCH A GOOD MAN!!!

He is also a SICK man! Him, and most of the rest of my family have a NASTY bug that is causing them to cough, and hack, and snarf, and snot, and sneeze! It is a SYMPHONY of DISGUSTINGNESS!!! I think the only reason I haven’t caught the bug is that I have just been TOO DAMN BUSY to hold still long enough to catch the little bugger!! THANK GOODNESS!!! Anyway, even though he is feeling a little under the weather, he did a FABULOUS job cooking all of us dinner!! You always know that he has done a good job whenever our nephew, Christopher – AKA the word’s pickiest eater – eats 2nds – I think tonight, he might have had 3rds!! THAT HUBBY-O-MINE MAY DESERVE A TROPHY!!! πŸ˜‰

Tonight I also got to do something that was A LOT of fun, and that was help my sissy, build her blog!!! I do have her address, but it is not finished being built yet! When it done, and she gives me the thumbs up – I am going to share it with all of you!!! πŸ˜‰ She is such an amazing and joyful person!! She is one of those people that you can just stand in her presence andΒ  she makes you feel, just by being there, one of the most important people in the world!! What a blessing she has been to me and my husband!!! She moves to Arizona in two days, and I wish and her kiddos ALL THE VERY BEST!!! I can’t wait until we have out first girls’ weekend get together in California!! I can guarantee you right now, it is not going to be SOON ENOUGH!!! I love sissy!!!! πŸ˜‰

As I am blogging this evening, Jason is busy cleaning up the kitchen, and I am loudly serenading him with one of my many, self-composed creations!!! A talent that I am pretty sure that most of you never even knew that I had!! Well, ok “talent” might be a bit of a stretch, but singing silly little ditties that I make up on the spot in the style of a lounge singer is one of my many past times! Great timeless songs such as “The lady in the Turban On the Toilet In Tinsel Town”, or “I’m Tired”. Tonight I composed a new little number called “I Get No Love From You”, which basically means – “HEY, PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!! I AM NEEDY!!! LOOK AT ME!!” Ok, so my “talent” may actually mean I need to see a psychotherapist, but it makes my hubby smile, and isn’t that all that matters!?!?!?! LOL!!!! πŸ˜‰

Ok, with that silliness out of the way, I am off to go get ready for bed!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!!! πŸ˜‰