Tag Archives: Getting out of a rut

Good Morning!

I have often heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expect to get a different result. Well, being someone who is a creature of habit, I find myself reflecting on this idea a lot. I wonder if I am in a rut, and if so, what needs a good shaking up in my life!!! I think that my natural self is to be very nomadic, moving from one place to another, one activity to another, but that all changed when I lost my mom when I was younger. Now, movement and change is something that I have to purposefully concentrate on, otherwise I find I end up getting stagnant!! EW – that just sounds gross, but I am sure you know what I mean!!

I have 3 main areas of my life that really need my attention right now: my weight, my finances, and my home. So, when I woke up this morning, I asked myself what are some different actions that I can take to help improve these 3 areas in my life? So, I decided to make a list:

  1. Avoid the snooze!! When my alarm goes off in the morning, and I hit snooze, I really am awake, so basically I am just wasting sometimes up to 2 hours wasting time “trying to get a little more sleep”. Not today – up with the morning rooster!!!
  2. Get ready for work before anything else!! That way, when I have extra time left over, I am able to get any other things needing to get done before I head out to the office, and still be on time!
  3. Put me back on my to-do list! Now, I have a tendency to create a mental daily to-do list, and then cut out anything that would be too hard, or any “I don’t wannas” – not today! I am going to GO EAT THOSE FROGS!!!
  4. I am going to take my daily walk this morning, even if that means walking in the rain. I usually “try” to get my walk in at lunch time, and because work is usually so busy, it is super easy to find ANY excuse to not go – so today, there is no hesitation – it gets done first!!
  5. I am going to spend at least an hour, actually focusing on my finances today – they have been neglected far too long. Now, I don’t mean that my bills don’t get paid, but what I mean is that they are usually paid electronically, and I don’t always know how much money I am paying for what, or to what! So, I need to start living my life on purpose, and I know that having financial wealth is the key to true freedom to choose what I want to do, so now is the time to get that in check!!!
  6. and last but not least, I want more than anything to sell our condo and move into my home – wherever that may be. My husband and I daydream about owning a house on a small parcel of land, where we can create, and grow, and thrive, and make memories with our family and friends. I know that is out there somewhere, and I am so anxious to get started on that portion of our lives, but if I don’t start taking some kind of action to move in that direction – it will sadly never happen, and I just cannot sit idly by as we let our dream life is pass us by. So, today I want to do at least one project in the house that will make me feel like I am on my way!!!

Anyway, I am off to go get my morning walk in!!

Have a FABULOUS day!!! 🙂