Tag Archives: Gastric Bypass

The Good With the Bad!

Good evening!

Well, I realize that it is late, and I should really be going to bed, but my sweetie and I have just returned from first playing with the girls outside, and then walking the girls back to the house, and then my sweetie and I heading out for a nice evening walk ourselves!

Before I tell you our walk, I want to tell you about our good news, and our bad news. Bad news first. Jason and I have gotten our final surgery dates today, which is good news, however, Jason’s date is 2 weeks later than he had originally thought so he is a little bummed about it. My date however, has been pushed out by a month!!! ACK!!! When I first found out, it ALMOST caused me to want to quit, but of course, my super-supportive husband came to my rescue, and I am NOT backing out now!!! 😉

So, for the good news. Well, Jason has made his surgery goal weight!! YEAH!! WHOO! HOO!!! I am soooo EXTREMELY PROUD OF HIM!!!! and for those of you keeping track means that he has lost 4 pounds this past week! AMAZING!!! Whatta man!! 😉 I did not make my goal weight this week, but I am only one pound away from my goal weight, so I will HAPPILY TAKE THAT!!! YEAH ME!!! LOL!! 😉

Getting back to our walk! While we were walking, my sweetie and I took turns saying out loud one goal that we hope to be able to achieve post surgery. With my sweetie’s permission, here are a couple of examples of things we came up with…

ME: I want to be able to touch my toes with my knees unbent

HIM: I want to be able to breathe while tying my shoes

ME: I want to ride the rides at a carnival and not have to worry that the lock won’t latch

HIM: I want to see that

ME: I want to be able to run a mile

HIM: I want to see someone from my past who made fun of me, and make them eat their words

ME: I want to see that

HIM: I want to be able to take a bike trip. A long one!

ME: Me too!

HIM: I want to go to a water park and not get stuck down a water slide

ME: I want to be able to keep up with my niece while swimming

HIM: I want to be able to buy tall clothes without having to buy big and tall clothes

ME:  I want to be able to sit Indian-style in a movie theater seat

So, there you have it! I really am so thankful to be going through this journey with my sweetie!! I would never have made it this far without his love and support!!

I have said it before, but I will say it again, life is really good!!

Here is to a FABULOUS evening!! ;-)

 If you want to have a different life, you have to live differently!

Big Decisions Being Made!

Good evening!

You know, I have come to believe that you can change your life by making one single solitary decision.

Today was a day like that. My hubby and I had a very important meeting this morning. This meeting is a meeting where a life changing decisions was made. I am very hesitant to say what that decision is, right now. I feel like I still want to let this decision sink in, but I am going to bit the bullet and just get it out there. My husband and I met at a bariatric clinic and we have started the process to get approval for a gastric-bypass.

OK, there. It’s out there.

I have come to a point in my life where I have decided that my weight is beyond a minor niggling problem. It is something that I have decided that I need to some major action to get it under control so that I can move on, and get on with living my real life!!

I know this is a really big step, something that I have been looking at and researching for a really long time. As I was sitting in the doctor’s office this morning, I had this AWESOME sense of peace wash over me, that I KNEW that I was doing the right thing. Even as I say it again now, I KNOW that this is the perfect step for me!!

I am very excited about this journey that my sweetie and I are embarking on together, and I will make sure to keep all of you posted on what twists and turns our journey will take!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!!! 😉

A Chunky Dunker’s Information Session!

Good evening!

Well, as you may be able to tell by now that we did not have a typical Chunky Dunker’s session this evening. Instead, my sweetie and I went to a 2 hour bariatric surgery information session down at the hospital. The physicians and staff of the bariatric clinic told us all about the differences between lap band and the different kind of gastric bypass surgeries, all of the risks, preperations, pre- and after care!! It was very informative!

I am not sure how I feel about it for myself yet, but I know that Jason is close to making up his mind and I am more than happy to support him in whatever decision he makes. As for myself, I will keep you posted! 😉

I am tired, it is getting late, and I have a lot to think about this evening, so I am going to cut this post short, and say G’night!

Have a FABULOUS evening!!! ;-)

Thank Goodness It Is Friday!

Good evening!
This Friday just could not get here any faster! But here it is, and I am just soooo thankful for a weekend off!!

Today, I unintentionally gave myself a little jolt, and that was because, out of the blue, I signed myself and my sweetie up for a gastric-bypass informational session with our local bariatric office. I am not sure exactly what I was thinking, but it has really made me do a lot of thinking since I have gotten off of work this evening!

The whole idea of gastric bypass, or lap band surgery for me is terrifying! Letting myself get cut open, on purpose, and then having my insides permanently re-arranged just so I can get skinny! Is that just the vain-est thing you have ever heard??? THEN on the other hand, Jason and I talked about it over dinner this evening, and I kind of got excited about having a real life again. You know hiking, playing, jogging, fitting into amusement park rides, fitting comfortably in an airplane seat, being able to cross my legs, touch my toes, or shop in the regular section in a regular department store, being able to keep up with our neice and nephews when we are playing, etc. It is enough to make me seriously consider having the procedure done!

Hmmm..what do you guys think? I would really LOVE to hear your thoughts on this.

Have a FABULOUS evening! 😉