Tag Archives: Family Traditions

My Dad’s Performance!!

Good evening!

As promised, I have my Dad’s singing performance from church last night!! I have gotten permission to post this here!! I hope you enjoy, I know I did!! 😉


I have memories of my dad singing ever since I can remember. My dad, would get together with my grandpa (his dad) and sometimes my auntie, and they would all play their various guitars, and ukuleles, and they would all sing all kinds of music – INSTANT PARTY!!! Matter of fact, music is something that always permeated our home growing up. We would sing ALL THE TIME!!! We would sing loudly, softly, on key and off, oldies, jazz, christian, country, we would sing together, sing in rounds, and we would even harmonize. We would sing anything and everything that we knew the words to. Singing was just something that seemed to be passed down genetically, to most of us that is!!! Some of our family members couldn’t carry a tune on their own, but did GREAT singing with anyone who could – which made the rest of us pretty handy!!! My dad would take us caroling at Christmas time, and make us sing performances for church services – we all just LOVED, and most of us still do, to sing!!!

Thank you, Dad! Singing and music is a gift that we all carry around with us wherever we go!!!

I love you!! (oh yeah – and don’t forget who your favorite daughter is!!! uh, hello? me!!!!!)

Have a FABULOUS evening!!! 😉