Tag Archives: EPIC

Up Insanely Early!

Good morning!

Today is my last day of computer training here in Madison, Wisconsin! So far the trip has gone rather well, especially for someone who really has a hard time with flying. Ok, maybe that is sugar-coating the truth a bit! I am terrified of flying!!! Thankfully, I have special medication that I am able to take that helps soften the fear-factor quite a bit, and just makes me rather sleepy! I am also rather impressed by the Economy vs Economy-Plus upgrade that you are able to purchase. It costs me a little over $50 to upgrade both of my flights from economy to economy plus, and I am able to enjoy more leg room, and earlier boarding – YEAH!!!

I am up really early this morning, about 3 am, my time, 5 am theirs. This hotel room is so warm, and I JUST NOW figured out how to use the dang thermostat! SHEESH!! 😉 I guess I am using too many of my important brain cells in class, that by the time I get back to the hotel, they are all mushed-out!! 😉 Anyway, I am so thankful that the fan has finally kicked on, and seeing that I am going to be go-go-go until about 1 AM tomorrow morning, I really should be trying to sleep at least another hour, it ain’t gonna happen. SO, I thought I would take the extra time this morning to get my daily post out, which means I can know that I am still on target with my goal of writing one blog posting everyday for a year by 12/20/2011, and I won’t have to worry about it all day, if I don’t want to! 😉

Oh, I also wanted to let you know that I will have a lot of pics to share with you tomorrow from EPIC. The place where I am having my computer class. They have a HUGE facility, which I am sure has to be worth billions, and they have an extremely large art collection. So, both yesterday and today, I am making a point of walking around and getting as many pictures as humanly possible without missing any of my class! They are quite spectacular, and I can not wait to share them with you!

Change of subject – I really can’t wait to get home to my sweetie today! I really miss him!  We are very close, almost co-dependent maybe, and it is quite the adjustment for either one of us when one or the other goes out of town. He is lover, husband, confidant, counselor, protector, boyfriend, playmate, and best friend!! I always look forward to his messages and pics that he sends when we are apart, it makes me feel like I am just a short hop, skip, and a jump away from him; and I really can’t wait to just climb into his arms this evening!!  I love you, B’Spoon!! 😉

Anyway, I am not sure how else I am going to spend my extra free-time this morning, but I am sure that I will packed, and re-packed and ready to go long before I really should be!! But, that is alright with me!! I leave class at 4 today, on my first of two planes by 7 pm, and back home by 1 am – it can’t get here fast enough!!!

Have a FABULOUS day!! 😉

A Day of Flying!

Good evening!

I am in Madison, Wisconsin this evening! I feel like I have either spent the whole day flying or waiting around in airports, no wait – that is EXACTLY what I did!! 😉 I am out here for some more EPIC computer training for my job, so I will be here for the next couple of days!

I have finally gotten to my hotel room, and I have to tell you, I am a sucker for a yummy hotel room!! This one has a living room and a separate bedroom, with a kitchen nook, and a great big bathroom! There are two tele, which I must say, I am not sure what I am supposed to do with two of them, but this room is very nice. It feels like a mini apartment!! It is clean, decorated nicely, and there are bits of peices of it that feel like my style – so I feel like I can relax! YEAH!!

I have just ordered myself so room service for dinner. I am going to have some chicken alfredo with salad, and a diet Sierra Mist! YUM! What more could a girl ask for! Call to order dinner, have dinner delivered, and dirty dishes taken away!! OH SWEET BLISS!!! As spoiled as I am at home, I DO NOT get that service there!!! ;-


This evening, I am going to go take a walk out around the grounds here – I hear there are fireflies, and as many times I have been out for EPIC training, this makes time #4, I still have never seen a firefly!! WOULDN’T THAT BE AWESOME??? So, besides being some good for me exercise, spying my very first firefly is a great excuse to get out there and walk too!! 😉

Is there anything else? Well, not really! I did get myself two magazines at this last airport so I would have something to read this evening. I purchased the new Oprah magazine, and a copy of Fitness! Both, I thought could be helpful in my current goals at the moment!! Plus I thought I would spend some quality time doing some journaling!! I didn’t get my normal morning pages in this morning (since I got up at 4 am!) 😉

I will keep you posted how class goes, but right now I am just going to LIVE this hotelling experience up!!!

Have a FABULOUS evening! ;-)