Tag Archives: Eclispe


I got home today and I was pleasantly surprised to see that I had an Oprah show recorded, and it was a pleasant surprised because Oprah had the Eclipse cast on!! YEAH!!! I am soooo excited to see the new movie, I hear that it is very true to the book. The books were great! Even if people think that the books weren’t truly literary masterpieces, I think that one thing that the books did do, was to re-awaken our love of romance!! and really, who couldn’t use a little more romance in their lives??? I love living vicariously through this obsessive little series. It is such a great way to escape and relive the passion that accompanies first love.

Anyway, later I had a slight catastrophe in my kitchen this evening. I was cooking some brown rice in a rice cooker that was in the microwave, and I am not sure what I did wrong, but the next thing I know my kitchen smells badly of burnt popcorn! I ran to the kitchen to see what was happening, and OMG there is smoke pouring out of my microwave!!! The rice dish has melted in the microwave, and I will never get it out of there!!! UGH!!! So, now I will be shopping for a new microwave!! LOL! I just hope the burn smell leaves soon, it is causing a terribly bad headache!!! LOL!!

Have a fabulous evening!!!

~Christina 😉

Oh, by the way, I am totally Team Edward!!