Tag Archives: DaveRamsey

A Day of Movement!

CrownGood evening!
Today has been almost a picture perfect, albeit a bit chilly Spring day here in Oregon!!!

I have been in a go-go-go-I’m-on-a-roll-crossing-off-all-sorts-of-stuff-off-my-to-do-list-kind-of-mode all day!! and even though I have a tendency to be a bit manic while I am in this mode, just ask my sweetie, it is really awesome to get to the end of the day and realize that because of all the work you did today, your life may be just a little bit better tomorrow!!

Tonight, my sweetie and I, and our three four-legged girls are hanging out, watching the tele, and just enjoying being quiet while hanging out at our little bitty home!! Ok, so truth be told, my sweetie and I are watching the tele and the girls are actually sleeping, one of them is even snoring!! Nice, right??? That is how we roll!!! 🙂

I tried something new dinner-wise tonight, and let’s just say, it didn’t turn out exactly as I had planned! It was a breakfast skillet kind of concoction that may have been a bit of a let down! I was sure that it would be fool-proof, I mean seriously??? Eggs, bacon, peppers, onion, hash browns, salsa, cheese???? There is no way that could possibly fail, right??? Yeah, well, that is what I was thinking BEFORE I tasted it!! LOL!! 😉 God bless my sweetie, he ate it like a trooper and never said a peep, but I am telling you – that recipe is not gonna be written down for posterity sake!! Matter of fact, I am sure that humanity will thank me for letting that one go out into the ether!! 😉 Oh well, no one ever said that having an Artsy Life was going to be an easy thing!!!

I am still working on my  The Right Brain Business Plan, and I have made some process, and will be happy to show you some pictures tomorrow of how that is going!! The hard part now is trying to decide where I want to start. There are so many baby steps that I can take right now, from where I stand, utilizing what I have on hand, and that it is almost paralyzing me with fear in making a decision and just taking action!!! As the lovely Melody Ross says, ” She was __________ but she did it anyway!” For me, this sentence might look like one of these:

  • She was overwhelmed, but she did it anyway!
  • She was scared, but she did it anyway!
  • She was unsure, but she did it anyway!
  • There were people out there who do it better than she does, but she did it anyway!

But, that is the clincher, ins’t it??? “She did it anyway!!!” I will be able to say the same thing about myself too – hopefully VERY soon!! 😉

What else??? Oh, gosh!! My sweetie and I have been following Dave Ramsey‘s Financial Peace University plan to take control of our finances and get out of debt. We have been actively working on this goal since September 2012, and since then we have managed to pay off about $7000 in debt so far!! YEAH!!! We have a little more than $11000 to go – WHEW!!! 😉 I know we can do it, it has just been a lot of hard work so far, and I know we have a lot more hard work to do in the near future!!! I will keep you posted on our progress!!

I realize that what I thought was going to be a short and sweet kind of post has actually just become a brain-dump of all sorts of my random thoughts as they are falling out of my brain, but that is alright with me! Sometimes us girls just need to let it all out, and then get back to the business of breathing again!! 😉

Life is good – my weeds are being dealt with – life is good!!!
(I will explain the “weeds” thing tomorrow!!!)

In the meantime…

Here is to a FABULOUSLY ARTSY evening!! ;-)

Signature Line

If you want to have a different life, you have to live differently!!