Tag: Chunky Dunkers

Putting My House on a Diet!

Putting My House on a Diet!

Good evening!! Before I start my rant this evening, I wanted to give a shout out to my sister, Alexa, in Arizona! I am just SO PROUD OF HER!! She bit the bullet, and has started a blog! I look forward to reading about her 

Another Lazy Sunday!

Another Lazy Sunday!

Good morning! It looks like it is going to be another lazy Sunday around my house today! My hubby is still sick, but apparently going to fight it, until I can finally convince him to get back into bed!! The dogs are happy, fed, and 

The Chunky Dunker’s Club, Week 3

The Chunky Dunker’s Club, Week 3

Good evening!

Welcome to our 3rd weekly meeting of the The Chunky Dunker’s Club!

Every week I post a new Chunky Dunker’s article ever Wednesday evening, and you have the opportunity to comment, and cheer each other as you each go through your journey to get fit and healthy!!! We will discuss hints, tips, and ideas on losing weight, staying motivated, and achieving your fitness goals, whether that is to lose 5 pounds, to do 10 sit-ups, or just incorporate some healthy habits into your daily life!!

Tonight’s topic is Finding your own personal motivation:

I have to confess! I had every intention of doing all the right things this week; eat right, exercise, drink water, meditate, take time for myself, etc. etc. etc. I found that what actually happened is that I just kinda dabbled at everything. Not too bad, but not to good either!! You know what I mean? I walked once or twice, or I drank water on this day, but not so much on that day – I think I realized that I haven’t yet come up with a compelling reason to get into shape. I know I want to, but why do I want to??? I want a reason that when I think of IT JAZZES ME and gets me excited about doing all of these healthy actions that I may not necessarily want to do. You know, something that makes me WANT to GET UP AND DO SOMETHING!!!

So, I thought a little bit about it, and I decided to write one paragraph that describes what I want to do/be/have now that I am fit (dreaming in the present tense). Here is my paragraph:

I have had such an AMAZING time on this health and fitness journey that I have been on for the past year. I can’t imagine EVER going back to my old life!!! I have been able to do and accomplish more than I ever dreamed possible! If you would have asked me a year ago if I thought I would ever be able to run a mile again, I probably would have laughed out loud. Now, not only can I run a mile, I can actually run 2 in one go. ISN’T THAT AMAZING??? The new me can now keep up with all of our nieces and nephews, which has made getting together with them so much more fun! I feel better now then I did as a teenager!! I am stronger, more flexible, and have WAAAAAY more energy than I thought I would EVER have. My sweetie and I are like young lovers again and we are preparing for our trip to Paris. HONEY, we are going to be WALKING FOOLS when we get there! There is going to be NO STOPPING US!!! We seem to be able to walk for HOURS without puttering out, just ask the old us if that were even possible, UHM….NO!!!! You could have NEVER said that about the old us!!! I am really proud of all of our accomplishments! I can’t WAIT to see WHAT IS NEXT IN STORE FOR US!!!

When I read this paragraph, it TOTALLY motivates me to get up, to make the hard choices, and to not procrastinate!!!! I know that I am worth this, and so are all of my friends and family. Those with us now, and those to come.

Your assignment this week is to write your own paragraph. Write your paragraph as if you have already achieved your goals, it should motivate, inspire you, and cause you to WANT to take ACTION!! I can’t wait to read them all!!! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!!


Have a FABULOUS evening!!! 😉

A Quick Post!

A Quick Post!

Good morning! As I get ready to zip out the door this morning – I have been doing that a lot these past few mornings! I wanted to remind you that tonight is our Weekly Chunky Dunker’s Club meeting!!! So don’t miss that! I will 

My Flexible Saturday!

My Flexible Saturday!

Good evening! I have had a really nice day today! If you read my post this morning, you know that I was heading out for a day downtown. My first stop was my favorite clothing store, Torrid. I had ordered a cardigan that had come 

Getting Back to the Basics!

Getting Back to the Basics!

Good evening!!

This seems like it has been a really crazy busy day!!! I have just gotten home from a REALLY REALLY LOOOONG day of work, a quick run to pick up a couple of my FAVORITE BOOKS OF ALL TIME, Pride and Prejudice, and The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (both in hardback, for my collection), and then dashed off to the grocery store to pick up dinner!!! WHEW!!!

Now I am going to confide something to you that maybe not a lot of people know about me, and for some of you this may be TMI, BUT, I LOVE when I get to come home, slip my shoes off at the door, get something cold to drink, tonight it is sugar free Orange Creme sparkling water, hang up the work blazer, and slip OUT OF MY UNDERWIRE BRA!!!! WHOOOO-BABY!!!! Now, I realize I might have just lost some of you there, but HONEY!! I am TELLING YOU!!! Talk about that feeling of, “LOOK, HONEY, I’M HOME!!” SAH-WHEET BLISS!! 😉

Thank you for letting me share that with you!! LOL! My sweetie and I are getting ready to sit down to a really late, light dinner, and then, of course, we are going to watch another episodes of Bones tonight. We are still playing catchup on NetFlix, and watch on average one episode per day, which is pretty good seeing they are about 45 minutes a piece!!

Hey, I just realized that if I wanted to, I could do exercises for 45 minutes while watching Bones every day, just to make sure that I get my time in. If I have time enough for Bones, I surely have time for EXERCISE!! What do you think???

I also picked up a copy of Martha Stewart Living this evening, I haven’t read through one of those in over 10 years – WOW! Has it really been that long!?? I remember when Jason and I were first married we didn’t have a lot of money for any kind of material things are for doing much more than finding free stuff to do, but if I was ever having a particularly rough week, my sweetie would manage to rustle up the funds to go pick up a copy of this magazine for me. I would just spend a whole lazy afternoon skimming through pictures, reading the articles, getting inspired, and dreaming about my future life that I just knew I was going to have – I may have to spend some time doing that this weekend!!! Simply DIVINE!!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!!

Note to Chunk Dunker’s: Take some time to reward yourself for a job well done today! Look for something that you did well, it could be large or small, and treat yourself to some pampering, time with a friend, maybe some flowers?? You will not only feel great about doing something good for yourself, but you will reinforce your positive behavior and it may subconsciously help you want to do that good action again!! GO CHUNKY DUNKER’S!!!

The Chunky Dunker’s Club, Week 2

The Chunky Dunker’s Club, Week 2

Good evening! Welcome to our 2nd meeting of the The Chunky Dunker’s Club! Every week I post a new Chunky Dunker’s article ever Wednesday evening, and you have the opportunity to comment, and cheer each other as you each go through your journey to get 

A Day of Visitors!

A Day of Visitors!

Good evening! I am still under the weather today, but I am determined to snap out of it and get my booty to work tomorrow! As for who all of these visitors are? Well, early this afternoon my dad and his wife Trudi stopped by 

Is it Sunday Already?

Is it Sunday Already?

Good morning!

I would love to tell you that I woke up this morning just raring to go, but I have to be honest with you – I woke up with a screaming migraine this morning! OUCH! Every sound I hear seems to be amplified by 100, which has made me feel a little grouchy.

HOWEVER, when I turned on my computer to blog this morning, I discovered this little video, and honey – it made me laugh so hard (quietly, and on the inside) that I know that even with a headache – I am going to have a good day!! AND I knew I would just HAVE to share with you!!! 😉


HAHAHAHA!! That is just sooooo dang cute!!!

Have a FABULOUS day! 😉


Note to Chunky Dunkers: Do something special for yourself! Give yourself a manicure, take a nice bubble bath, or take the time to do some pleasure reading! You deserve a break today, and your body and mind will thank you for it too!!

Good Mooorning!!!

Good Mooorning!!!

Good morning! After going to bed early last night, I woke up refreshed and ready to go this morning!!! WHOO! HOO!!! I was reading my copy of Self magazine last night and saw something that I just had to share with you… You know my