The Chunky Dunker’s Club, Week 3

Good evening!

Welcome to our 3rd weekly meeting of the The Chunky Dunker’s Club!

Every week I post a new Chunky Dunker’s article ever Wednesday evening, and you have the opportunity to comment, and cheer each other as you each go through your journey to get fit and healthy!!! We will discuss hints, tips, and ideas on losing weight, staying motivated, and achieving your fitness goals, whether that is to lose 5 pounds, to do 10 sit-ups, or just incorporate some healthy habits into your daily life!!

Tonight’s topic is Finding your own personal motivation:

I have to confess! I had every intention of doing all the right things this week; eat right, exercise, drink water, meditate, take time for myself, etc. etc. etc. I found that what actually happened is that I just kinda dabbled at everything. Not too bad, but not to good either!! You know what I mean? I walked once or twice, or I drank water on this day, but not so much on that day – I think I realized that I haven’t yet come up with a compelling reason to get into shape. I know I want to, but why do I want to??? I want a reason that when I think of IT JAZZES ME and gets me excited about doing all of these healthy actions that I may not necessarily want to do. You know, something that makes me WANT to GET UP AND DO SOMETHING!!!

So, I thought a little bit about it, and I decided to write one paragraph that describes what I want to do/be/have now that I am fit (dreaming in the present tense). Here is my paragraph:

I have had such an AMAZING time on this health and fitness journey that I have been on for the past year. I can’t imagine EVER going back to my old life!!! I have been able to do and accomplish more than I ever dreamed possible! If you would have asked me a year ago if I thought I would ever be able to run a mile again, I probably would have laughed out loud. Now, not only can I run a mile, I can actually run 2 in one go. ISN’T THAT AMAZING??? The new me can now keep up with all of our nieces and nephews, which has made getting together with them so much more fun! I feel better now then I did as a teenager!! I am stronger, more flexible, and have WAAAAAY more energy than I thought I would EVER have. My sweetie and I are like young lovers again and we are preparing for our trip to Paris. HONEY, we are going to be WALKING FOOLS when we get there! There is going to be NO STOPPING US!!! We seem to be able to walk for HOURS without puttering out, just ask the old us if that were even possible, UHM….NO!!!! You could have NEVER said that about the old us!!! I am really proud of all of our accomplishments! I can’t WAIT to see WHAT IS NEXT IN STORE FOR US!!!

When I read this paragraph, it TOTALLY motivates me to get up, to make the hard choices, and to not procrastinate!!!! I know that I am worth this, and so are all of my friends and family. Those with us now, and those to come.

Your assignment this week is to write your own paragraph. Write your paragraph as if you have already achieved your goals, it should motivate, inspire you, and cause you to WANT to take ACTION!! I can’t wait to read them all!!! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!!


Have a FABULOUS evening!!! 😉

0 thoughts on “The Chunky Dunker’s Club, Week 3

  1. christinaville Post author

    How did everyone’s week go??? My weight stayed the same, so that is a positive because it has been inching up a little by little every week!!

    I have got my healthy plan in place now for this week (my fitness week starts on Wednesday), so far so good!!! And I am going to post my positive paragraph EVERYWHERE!!!! The more I see it, the more I can invoke that feeling of accomplishment that the new me will feel!!! 😉

    1. Jennifer

      One more week till the six weeks starts all over. Just giving you a heads up. I love ya!

  2. Jennifer

    I hope everyone has been doing great on the workouts and motivations. I have moved around as much as I can at work without looking like I am doing the peepee dance. Trust me it doesnt look pretty. Anyway, I am in the talks with a few people at work to go walking on the new bike path when the weather gets better. Also there are a few new pregnant women at work who would love to work out to Richard Simmons. So that will be fun. So go team!!!!

    1. christinaville Post author

      That is awesome, Jennifer!! Thanks for the heads up on the 6 weeks!!! If you wanted to move to Salem, I would walk with you!!! WINK! WINK! NUDGE! NUDGE!!!

      and you have LOVED Richard Simmons videos ever since you were really little!! I have just pulled out a workout video that I am going to use when I first wake up!! I just hope it is not to lame-o!! You know?? Otherwise, I will be on the look out for a new one!

      I am still planning on taking that belly dancing class that starts next month!! Kinda scary! I have also thought about taking a Zumba class!! They sound like a ton of FUN!!!
      I love you,

  3. Alexa Moody

    Hey sis! I have been doing pretty good this week. Drinking a lot of water with lemon. The past couple of nights I simply ate our italian salad for dinner. Tonight was tuna with rice and tuscan italian dressing and more lemon water. My blood sugar is staying in good line.
    Exercise is simply not in my vocabulary right now. I’d like to drop as much weight as possible just through my diet. I think it would help to lose weight first for my back, knees and ankles and shoulders. EEKS!

    1. christinaville Post author

      WOW! Sis, it sounds like you are doing really GREAT! and I totally understand about the exercise thing! Just do what you can, and you will get there!! 🙂

      Tell me how you make your Italian salad again???

  4. Jason

    I have been really busy this week with a new daily chores list, unfortunately some things take a long time to clean when you don’t do it ….ever. But I have been getting a lot more activity. I feel better tho. I just wish I had more energy.
    Jenn. Just ignore Chrissie. Listen to me. MOVE TO SALEM

    Love you guys

    1. christinaville Post author

      Jason you are too cute!!! and yes, he has being a FABULOUS job keep the place looking GREAT!!!! and ladies, I have to tell you that Jason is looking pretty good today!!! 🙂

      I agree, Jennifer should move to Salem, bring Trina!!

      1. Alexa Moody

        I agree! JEN MOVE TO SALEM!!!!!!!! DO YOU HEAR US!!!!!!!!

        The italian salad has is like Olive Garden.

        Romaine Lettuce
        Red Onions
        Olives (if you like them…YUCK!)
        Kraft Tuscan House Italian Dressing

        SO YUMMY!!!!!!!

      2. christinaville Post author

        Thanks, Sis!!
        I will have to pick up the ingredients tomorrow after work!!! This salad reminds me of dinners with you!!!
        I love you, Sissy!! 😉

    2. Jennifer

      Great for you, Jason! I still wont move to Salem…sorry. I love the people I work with here. Sad thing is that I live in a small town and I am a celebrity at Walmart….lol….sad I know.

      1. christinaville Post author

        Well, you can’t blame us for trying!!! We love you, you WalMart celebrity!!! You must have to really beat down the paparazzi!!
        Love, love, love,
        ~C 😉

      2. Jennifer

        Beat them off with a stick every time I get there. Customers see me in other stores and they ask if I either know where something is in that store or they start talking to me about their ailments like I know what to do for them. I guess I became a doctor as soon as I became a cashier in the pharmacy.

  5. Trina

    My week has gone really good. I only had one soda this week at work which is a good thing for me. I also have done a lot more walking around and I try to keep moving at work. I also spent about 3 hours cleaning my room and I walked for about 45 minutes straight on Sunday. I hope I can keep it up.

  6. Lynette

    Here I sit at work/ lunch…eating fries nad frosty from wnedy’s. No not the best of choices, especially when you go to the drive thru and they give you options for meals taht are less than 500 cal. Ok so I didn’t take the advise, but now I know for furture good choices. No judging needed, judged myself quite well as we all do. The difficulty here is lack of sleep( sick kids) makes for poor self-control. Love you all!!!