Tag Archives: Caged Bird

A Day of More Art!

Good evening!

I have had a fun day today! When I wasn’t out running errands, and spending some time with my sweetie, I spent a good portion of my day up in my art studio playing amongst my art supplies! I did manage to finish one piece that I had started a couple of weeks ago. I am calling this piece

The Caged Bird Sings:

I LOVE this color scheme – this green really resonates with me! I tried a couple of new products, at least new to me, to do this project. I started with an acrylic base, and then used a crackle medium, however I had made a mistake and it didn’t crackle exactly the way I had expected, but at least now I know what NOT to do for my future crackle pieces! I also got to use a few different colors of ink stains to give this piece some depth.

I hand painted this bird using basic acrylics, and then pulled out some of my old jewelry supplies to create this wire bird cage, which I can see is not too easy to see in this picture – Something else to think about if I should ever create a cage again!

I really had fun creating this piece, but had some trouble trying to come up with some text to convey what I was wanting this piece to say. I stopped mid morning, and did a quick meditation to clear my head, and this thought just came to me, and knew that it was perfect.

As always, I would love to her your thoughts, please leave me a note in the comments section! I always appreciate your feedback!! This has and will continue to be a great learning experience for me! 😉

Have a FABULOUS evening! 😉