Tag Archives: Bible

Quot of the Day!

“I can do all things through Chist who gives me strength.”

Which is a very good things because I am in the middle of a very difficult work schedule. Long hours, tedious and sometimes repetitious work, and a steep learning curve!! I am thankful that I don’t have to depend on my own strength to get all of this done – I have greater strength backing me up!!! And I am grateful!!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!! 😉

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

A Prayer for the Heart!

“Become what you believe.” – Matthew 9:29 (Message version)

Dear God,

Thank you for Your message this morning, I am always amazed how You always know exactly what I need to hear – and this morning’s message was no different. I give my thoughts over to You. I pray that they are pleasing to you and honoring of those around me. This is an area that I struggle with – fear and negativity. I pray that You give me the wisdom to keep my thoughts focused on You, Your blessings, and the small joys that I experience everyday because I am one of Your children. Give me courage to share my faith, expand my territory so that I may be of help to others who may need me, and please keep me from evil, and those who would wish me harm. Show me where you would have me, and help me to be flexible to do Your will.

I love and thank you, 😉

Your daughter,