Tag Archives: Belly Dance Class

A Really Late Post!

Good evening!

I just wanted to make sure that I touched base before I climbed into bed this evening! I am soooo tired!!

I had an hour and a half long belly dancing class tonight by a substitute instructor, and she REALLY kicked our heinies!!! 😉 No, she did a FABULOUS job, but she worked us out from HEAD TO TOE, so I am gonna be ONE SORE MAMMA in the morning!! Scratch that – I AM SORE NOW!!! 😉

This pic is of me striking a pose!! Paula, one of the other students, was very sweet in offering to take my picture, and I just HAD to jump at the chance! I would have taken more pics, but our class of 6 has somehow managed to dwindle down to a class of two. So that is a bummer, but I am still having a blast.

My focus in class has changed from “Let’s see if I can be brave enough to do something scary”, to “Let’s see what else my body will do if I practice!” It seems like a minor change, but it has really made me stop and think about EVERYTHING that I demand of my body, and what I DO and DO NOT do to take care of it! I have to remember that this is my soul’s vehicle, and it will only last so many miles, so I have got to start taking better care of my engine, er…uhm…so to speak!! 😉

I stopped at the grocery store on the way home this evening – I was craving cheerios with a sliced banana for dinner, and I wasn’t sure if we had any of that so, I made the mistake of grocery shopping on an empty stomach. NO, an empty stomach that had just worked out hard for the last hour and a half!!! So, let’s just say I may have gone a little crazy, and bought a little bit of EVERYTHING!!! 😉 The good thing is that after belly dancing class, I am on an adrenaline high, and I ONLY WANT to do or eat things that are healthy, so ALL of my food choices fit that bill!! I am now contemplating doing our weekly grocery shop under those conditions EVERY time I shop!! LOL!!! I wonder what my sweetie would think of that??

(I really do LOVE that man of mine!!)

On that note, I am taking my happy, but exhausted self to bed!

Have a FABULOUS evening!!! 😉