Tag Archives: Aunt Bee’s Home

Aunt Bee’s House Part II!

Good evening!

As promised, I am going to share some more pictures of my super fun outing over at Aunt Bee’s House from Yesterday! But first, I wanted to say that Jason and my Easter supper went VERY well this afternoon, and although I was SURE that he would LOVE the ham the most, it was actually the deviled eggs that he went GA-GA for!!! LOL! It really is the little things in life that make one happy!!! I REALLY do LOVE that man!!!

Anyway, here are plenty more pics from my outing yesterday!! ENJOY!!!

I absolutely fell in LOVE with this cheery red cabinet! I can see this fitting into my place perfectly filled with either books in the living room, or tons of quilts and blankets in the guest room!

These quilts and runners are so colorful, and I can see them changing up the feel of a room in an instant.

I am soooo drawn to the French vintage feel of all of these pieces, like you could have just stumbled upon them in your favorite auntie’s attic!

These eggs are just so charming! I love the idea of these having some words from my favorite books like Pride and Prejudice or Alice In Wonderland! HOW ROMANTIC!

This is a lesson that I am hearing over and over again, and honey – I am listening!!! 😉

This area rug has EVERY COLOR, reds/greens/blues from my home in it – I am SOOOO TEMPTED to go back and pick up this little TREASURE! I may swing by and pick that up after work tomorrow!!! I HOPE IT IS STILL THERE!!! 😉

EVERY girly-girl should have a vanity, and this is such a CHIC one!! BEAUTIFUL!! 😉

Sumptious green chair!! This would look soooo nice in my living room! and these bug print pillow – SO MUCH FUN!!! Firefly, and butterfly TOO CUTE!!!

I LOVE this whole little vignette! It is SERIOUSLY a FEAST for the EYES!!!

Everywhere I looked, there was just something else that just called to me! It might be a little hard to see, but this rubbed black farm table is JUST CALLING!! “CHRISTINA, YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME!!” Thankfully my place is just too small! So, sometimes logistics beats out  desire – at LEAST FOR NOW???

D-R-E-A-M! Need I say more?

This little wooden angel bird cage was SIMPLY HEAVENLY!!! 😉

This box was just a TREASURE TROVE of goodness!! 😉

Every single thing on this shelf, could move RIGHT INTO MY PLACE!!! My Sis, would say “THESE ARE SO YOU!!” 😉

WHEW!!! What a great way to wrap my FABULOUS visit to Aunt Bee’s House up!!!

The ULTIMATE goal!!


I would like to send a quick shout out to the ladies at Aunt Bee’s House, and just say that I am still just so thankful that you let me enjoy and share your LOVELY shop with my readers!!! I know that I will be back many, many times!!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS evening!