Tag Archives: A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life…

I am very excited about today! Anyone who knows me, knows that I am one of those OCD-type people who LOVES to makes lists and be extremely organized!! I have My Life List of all the things I want to accomplish before I die – things that I think would be AMAZING to tell my grandkids about, and I want to start using this blog to help me track my journey to that life that I have always dreamed of. To be more specific, have a few things in my life that for some reason I have just let myself settle with, and I don’t want to settle for them any longer.

  1. I am in a FABULOUS job that pays really, really well – but it doesn’t honor my authentic-self, nor does it feed my soul. It is like I am wearing golden-handcuffs; on one hand they are shiny bling, and on the other hand, I couldn’t afford to leave if I wanted to.
  2. I live paycheck to paycheck because I place too much value on material things and I shop A LOT.
  3. I am about 100 pounds overweight, and my body is soooo much older than a woman of 34 should be.
  4. My guest room is a cluttered mess, and I hate doing anything in there because the clutter stresses me out.
  5. I have NEVER owned a new bed, and the one I currently have must be almost 10 years old, and we got it used!! Well, it is lumpy, and painful, I sleep on something that really resembles more of a stiff hammock then a comfy, cozy bed.
  6. I can’t stand that I am not more active in the community.
  7. Even if I end up living alone forever, I want to live in a house, not a condo! Oh the joys of not having neighbors attached to both sides of an apartment – *SIGH*! Which means I am going to have to get my condo finished, there are countless of odd half-remodeled jobs that won’t ever get done if I don’t start paying attention to them?

My hope that in telling my stories, not only can I achieve the life I dream of, something I might say may might inspire one of my readers to do something that they had always dreamed of too. I think that is my life’s purpose – is to help women realize that they really can have it all; a full, happy, and healthy life, no matter how much time they have left on this earth!

So, please hang with me while I start being an active participant in my life, and not just an observer; it is Friday after all!! I am going to try something a little different today! For today’s blog I have decided to take you through a day in my life with pictures. I think that today will be a typical Friday for me, but I thought this would be a fun way to share!!


6:01 AM: After about 30 minutes of lazing about in bed (my alarm goes off at 5:30 AM), I finally decided to get up and start my day! I know this is hard to see, but it really says 6:01 – I was taking this pic while still partially asleep!! 😉

6:15 AM: Showered

6:30 AM: Got dressed & beautified (it really is time to go get some bangs cut again!)

7:30 AM: Made my breakfast/snack/lunch/snack and drank a pre-breakfast soy milk, and ate a banana

8:15 AM: Driving to work – of course it is raining – again!!

8:30 AM: got to work – I am a data programmer, so there really isn’t anything exciting to see!

9:30 AM: breakfast (oops, I forgot to take a pic of this before I ate this – this was yogurt with granola)

11:30 AM: lunch – Mixed lettuce with light dressing, and a side of cherry tomatoes

12:00 PM: I took a quick walk and the weather is absolutely beautiful, especially after literally weeks of rain – there is sunshine!! YEAH!!! I am now inspired to go home and pull out my easel and paint some lush landscapes!!

2:00 PM: More lunch

3:30 PM: Snack – hungry!! I have a really bad headache!! I am sure it is because my body wants sugar!! It is about this time of day where I casually sneak by the candy dish that resides down the hall. It has all sorts of goodies in it; usually mini chocolate bars – EEK!!! I have never thought of myself as an emotional eater, but I realize now that I have to really make myself not walk down that hall so I can break my candy grazing habit!!! I wonder if they have a 12 step program for that!!! LOL!

4:15 PM: I just realized that all the work that I have been doing all day today is completely and totally wrong, which means I have to start ALL OVER AGAIN!!! I feel like such a nincompoop!!! UGH!!! – I soooooo will not be leaving on time!! (this picture just looks sooo funny – I look like a hobbit or something!!! LOL!)

5:15 PM: Still at work, re-running reports. At least this time it appears to be going faster than the last time. That might be because I am the only one here, which means I am the only one using the server! Well, at least I can be thankful for the little blessings!

5:45 PM: I finally left work – WHEW!!! Heading straight home!! The Laundromat will have to wait until tomorrow! I am soooo glad to see this car!

6:15 PM: Piano Lesson – I am self-teaching myself how to play the piano

6:35 PM: Make/eat dinner, put away leftovers – Chicken fajita with caramelized onions and sauteed red bell peppers (I realize that I am eating A LOT today! I am trying to eat many mini meals all day)

7:10 PM: Chores – dishes, laundry and floors, oh my! 😉

Nutrition Stats for the day…

  • Veggies (6)
  • Fruits (4)
  • Grains (5)
  • Lean Protein (4)
  • Dairy (3)
  • Water (9)
  • Multivitamin (1)

Gosh, I should have probably tried to find a more exciting day to track!! LOL!! Today was really, really mundane!! But, I guess, there you have it!!! Not all days can be super-exciting!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS evening!!