Weekend Update!!!

Weekend Update!!!

Ok, I am officially here in Monterey, California!! and man WHAT A TRIP WE HAVE HAD SOOOO FAR!!! It took us 16 hours to get here!!! We got lost, and took some instructions from a stranger, and ended up adding 50miles in the wrong direction 

Just Checking In!!!

Just Checking In!!!

I know that I should be posting SOMETHING!!! I could always tell you about what a great time we had camping this last weekend; you know, all about our canoe outing where we literally dumped into the water in our street clothes within 30 seconds, 



HAPPY LABOR DAY!!! Yes, I realize it is Labor Day and NOT Memorial day!!! I was having a momentary brain-fart (I hate that expression by the way), but I was heading out to the coast and just couldn’t wait to get out the door, so 

Getting Ready for the Weekend!!

Getting Ready for the Weekend!!

YEAH!!! I am heading out for a four day weekend!!! YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!! This work week has been a short week, thank goodness!!!! and even though the past few weeks have been very stressful, I think that it might be getting a little easier! I 

I’m Back!!

I’m Back!!

Short version: Our family campout was a success! Long version: Our family campout was a success, and I had a lot of fun hanging out with my peeps!! I took a lot of pics, and I think that I will share some of those with 

Happy 4th of July!!

Happy 4th of July!!

I love the 4th of July! It is the one weekend a year that my husband and I can always count on to get away from it all and spend a quite weekend together to celebrate our anniversary. We were married July 1st, 1995, so 

Where Do I Begin?

Where Do I Begin?

I am really excited to tell you how the weekend with my dad and I at the beach house went!! We had sooo much fun, and really crammed a lot into a really short time!! We met in Lincoln City at the casino, had dinner, 

Off to the Beach Again!!!

Off to the Beach Again!!!

Good morning!! I am SUPER EXCITED that I am getting ready to head out to the little beach house for another fun weekend at the coast!!! This time, I am taking my Daddy out there for Father’s Day weekend!! My Dad and I don’t get 

Treasure Hunting!!!

Treasure Hunting!!!

Treasure hunting this past weekend in Lincoln City (aka ANTIQUING) was sooo much fun!! Now antiquing really has become THE THING TO DO, so my goal for any treasure hunting outing is to find something that speaks to my soul while still being extremely kind