Just Checking In!!!

I know that I should be posting SOMETHING!!! I could always tell you about what a great time we had camping this last weekend; you know, all about our canoe outing where we literally dumped into the water in our street clothes within 30 seconds, or the dune buggy/bus tour that we took that was supposed to be nice and peaceful but ended up making me want to pee myself, while I was screaming like a little girl calling for her mommy because I was sure that we were all going to die! Or maybe you would like to hear about my escapade hiking up and down on this monster trail that I was sure was going to cause my death, and someone would have to send several big men to come pick my fat, dead, ass up, and drag my back to my campsite!!! LOL!!! πŸ˜‰ But I am tired, and today is an anniversary of something sad that happened in my family’s life 11 years ago, so I am going to keep that short.

However, we really did have a lot of fun camping, and I can’t wait to do it again next year, but next time with 2 campsites – we all were a little too on top of each other all weekend!!!

Anyway, here is my thought for the day:

The kind of image that you have of yourself will limit what you are able to do. When you don’t glorify , or revel in who you are, you are denying a part of yourself. I have been denying my whole adventurous spirit because I don’t have the right weight, I don’t have the right look, I can’t do something because what will people think? You know what? SCREW THAT!!!! I can do ANYTHING I WANT!!!! I don’t want to wait for anybody anymore! I am not waiting to become what I want to be! I am not waiting do anything anymore! Hell, if I want to do something, it is time for me to step up and do it; nobody is going to do it for me and once I decide that something is right for me, that these are the things that I want to do then I will also enable the people around me to do the same thing, which is what I am here for after all!!!

I don’t want to be ordinary any more. I want to be extraordinary. I want to have a fabulous life where everything I believe I should have, I can have. I am fearless, you know absolutely fearless, what can stop that? (I am hoping that if I keep saying it then it will just HAVE to become the TRUTH!!!)

Well it is late, and my husband and I are heading out tomorrow on a road trip down to Monteray, California, which should be a lot of fun!! I am telling you right now, that this is 3 weeks in a row away from home!! Next weekend, I am turning off my phone and squirreling away all weekend!! Reading, walks in the park, swimming, dinners with my sweetie!! I am a homebody that seems to never be home!!! πŸ˜‰

I will try and blog some times this weekend, and keep you posted of our adventure!!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!! πŸ˜‰

P.S. I will always love and miss you, Momma!!! πŸ˜‰