It’s Official!

It’s Official!

It’s official… It’s Spring!!! I had quite a bit of fun taking all of these pictures today. Enjoy! -Christina 😉

My Dirty Little Secret!

My Dirty Little Secret!

I am about to let all of you in on my dirty little secret…I love watching iCarly. OMG, I can’t believe I just said that out loud. YES – I AM A 34 YEAR OLD WOMAN WHO LOVES WATCHING ICARLY!!!  I am just going to 

Box of Stars!

Box of Stars!

Caddy got the box and set it on the floor and opened it. It was full of stars. When I was still, they were still. When I moved, they glinted and sparkled. I hushed. The jewels glint and gleam with reflected and refracted light. – 

10 Things I Hate About Myself!

10 Things I Hate About Myself!

Ok, so in February I watched a show that was called “10 Things I Hate About Myself”. The premise of the show was to list 10 things you hate about yourself and the show would provide you with expert assistance to tackle each item one 

A Date with Myself!

A Date with Myself!

I had a blissful moment this past weekend, and even though it is Monday afternoon I am still pining for those few stolen minutes in the early morning hours of peace and quite at the book store/coffee shop. See? Life really can be perfect!!!

My Bliss List!

My Bliss List!

I am sooo thankful that it is the weekend, and in honor of it being a non-work day, I took some time throughout my day today to come up with a list of 100 good things that really make me happy – My Bliss List! 

Welcome to ChristinaVille!

Welcome to ChristinaVille!

Let me introduce myself, I am Queen Christina of ChristinaVille; the Patron Saint of all things Sparkly. My royal court is attended by my lovable Prince Consort, and two mini ladies in waiting, Faye and Sophie. Join me in my daily adventures in living, loving,