10 Things I Hate About Myself!

Ok, so in February I watched a show that was called “10 Things I Hate About Myself”. The premise of the show was to list 10 things you hate about yourself and the show would provide you with expert assistance to tackle each item one by one, until all 10 items have been resolved. The show itself wasn’t exactly, what you might call, deep, but it did inspire me to create a list of 10 things myself that I have been actually actively working on.

Here is my list:

  1. I hate that I am not fit and healthy!!! – this is an ongoing process and I I have lost 20 pounds so far!
  2. I hate that my Christmas decorations are still out at the end of February!!! – DONE!
  3. I hate that I don’t have a comfy couch in my living room!!! – DONE! I have a new over-sized red couch in my living room.
  4. I hate that I don’t have an outlet for my creativity!!! – DONE! I have started painting, and I AM IN LOVE with it!!
  5. I hate that I am not a photographer!!! – My sis is giving me her professional camera, so it is a start
  6. I hate that my bedroom is a cluttered mess!!! – I have made it a habit to put at least one thing away every day, and I have one corner to finish, and this item will be done!!
  7. I hate that I am not brave enough to wear every item from my closet!!! – I actively working on doing this, getting braver every day!!
  8. I hate that my condo does not represent my true personality!!! – I am working on treating myself like my own interior design client, and I am making BIG steps to create a home that represents me!!
  9. I hate that I have never traveled to Paris!!!
  10. I hate that my marriage is not in a healthy, happy place!!! – my husband and I are doing great, it has given me hope that we really are going to be alright, it is just going to take more time, communication, and support, but we just started marriage counseling and our counselor is great at helping us each see the others point of view!