Month: September 2011

Motivational Quote of the Day!

Motivational Quote of the Day!

Here is your motivational quote for today! β€œReach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.” ~Pamela Vaull Starr Have a FABULOUS afternoon!!

Spending a Day with the Animals!

Spending a Day with the Animals!

Good evening! This evening I am going to share a bunch of pics of a super fun day we spent over at Wild Life Safari! It was quite a lovely day, and seeing that it was in the middle of the week, we pretty much 

Motivational Quote of the Day!

Motivational Quote of the Day!

Here is your motivational quote for today!

β€œEvery great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
~Harriet Tubman

Have a FABULOUS afternoon!! ;-)

Dinner with Family!

Dinner with Family!

Good evening! I am having such a WONDERFUL time hanging out with my family down here in Roseburg, so much so that it makes long to have us all living in the same city!!! As soon as Jason and I got into town we went 

She’ll Be Coming Around the Mountain!

She’ll Be Coming Around the Mountain!

Good afternoon! The house is clean, the laundry is done, camping stuff is FINALLY finished being put away, and we are ready to go visit family down in Roseburg for a couple of days. We have a couple of get togethers planned with various family 

It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye!

It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye!

Good evening!

Have I ever told you that I have a really hard time with goodbyes? My sweetie and I did something that we probably shouldn’t have done and that was made ONE MORE trip down to Borders before it actually closes it’s doors this week!

It was a little weird being there. Everything was for sale, and I mean EVERYTHING!! Fixtures, counter tops, bookshelves, mixers, chairs, tables, if it was in the store, it was for SALE!! I would REALLY LOVE to replace my cheapie bookshelves up in my office with a wall full of Borders book cases, but I am going to refrain – believe it or not!! I think I just want to somehow keep a piece of Borders alive – sad right???

Anyway, we had told ourselves that we would never go back again, since we had such a bad experience the last time we had gone there since their closing was announced, but they were claiming 70-90% off!!


Anyway, we ended up getting something like 20 books for less than $100!!


No seriously!! πŸ˜‰

I honestly don’t know where I am going to put all of these little treasures, but I am very happy to be able to add them to my EVER-GROWING library collection!! πŸ˜‰ I know, I will have to have another intervention with myself about my excessive book shopping, but truly I am working on it!! LOL!! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ˜‰

In Memory!

In Memory!

In honor of it being the anniversary of 9/11, I thought it only fitting to share this touching tribute commercial from Budweiser. It chokes me up every time I see it remembering all of those who risked and lost their lives to help a stranger, 

Home Sweet Home!

Home Sweet Home!

Good evening! My sweetie and I are finally home from the coast! I am thankful for the relaxing week we have had together, but I am really also very thankful to get back to our cozy little place in this world. OH, and when I 

I Made Something!

I Made Something!

Good evening!

I am happy to report that I am still hotelling at the coast. It is our last night here and we are LIVING IT UP!! Well, as living it up as two old married people can do with two skittish long-haired chihuahuas!! Ok, so we aren’t actually “living it up”, we are having fun watching the tele, listening to the ocean, reading, and I am very happy to announce that I have finally finished another piece!!! YEAH!!!

Creative block is officially over!!!

Who knew I would have to stay at an inexpensive hotel at the coast to get my groove back!!!

Anyway, this piece is 7″ x 7″ acrylic on wood, and I am calling it “Irreplaceable Coco!”

I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on this in the comments section! I am have a couple of other pieces in the works, so I am hoping to be able to share some more completed pieces soon!

Anyway, we are on our way home tomorrow, but just long enough to get all of our laundry done and our camping stuff put away, then we are heading down to Roseburg to spend a couple of days visiting with my family!!! That should be fun!! I know it will be nice sleeping in our bed tomorrow evening!! SWEET BLISS!! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ˜‰

It’s a Girl’s Perogative!

It’s a Girl’s Perogative!

Good evening! A lot has changed in the past 24 hours! Well, my sweetie and I were camping at the Oregon Coast and were actually planning on being there until Saturday. Well, a girl can only take so much, and Jason knew that I was