She’ll Be Coming Around the Mountain!

Good afternoon!

The house is clean, the laundry is done, camping stuff is FINALLY finished being put away, and we are ready to go visit family down in Roseburg for a couple of days. We have a couple of get togethers planned with various family members, and will be staying with two of my younger sisters and one of our brother-in-laws. I can not wait to get there!! I am so excited!! Other than a couple of dinners, we really don’t have much planned, seeing that we usually play it by ear while we are there, that should be fun! I am hoping to have a ton of pictures to share with you! Especially of our two nephews, Aaron and Gavin, who I am sure are growing like weeds!! 😉

Our two four-legged girls, Fay and Sophie are going to be staying home this trip. Our friend Don is going to be coming over and keeping them company – I hope they don’t bark at him too much. For some reason he is fine as long as he is sitting down, but as soon as he stands up, Sophie starts barking at him like CRAZY!!! It is kind of funny!! 😉

Anyway, as you can tell this is going to be a short post! I have got to get on the road if we are going to get there on time!!! WHOO! HOO!

I will talk to you again tomorrow!!

Have a FABULOUS evening! 😉