Monthly Archives: August 2011

Dream Library Decor!

Good evening!
My Fancy Country Living Room 
Someone has been doing a little brainstorming on her dream library. That someone is me! Being a serious bibliophile I have something like 1200 books scattered throughout my condo right now. Someday, I dream about having them all in one meticulously-fabulously-chic organized library, of my own. Someplace that I can sit and read for hours on end, to my heart’s content, write letters to friends and family, and hang out in the super plush window seat listening to the birds in the trees, and watching the leaves change color in the Fall.
The inspiration for this room is the red sofa, which happens to be my favorite color, and very similar to the actual sofa that my sweetie and I have in our home now. I also LOVE this area rug, it just screams happiness! That is a feeling I definitely want to have in what will be my favorite place in our home, and happiness is exactly what this entire room decor evokes. I can’t wait to just hunker down and get right into a great book!
I would love to hear your thoughts on this room.

Here’s to enjoying the ride!

A Beautiful Day!

Good evening!

I have been down and out for the last two days with a headache that just doesn’t seem to want to quit. So, instead of dwelling on that, I thought I would go back and pull out some lovely pictures that I had taken while out on a walk one morning!

Thanks for sharing that with me. It makes me feel better – I am exciting to be getting up out ofΒ  in the morning. You see, my sweetie and I are heading to out to spend time visiting with friends that we haven’t seen in almost 2 years! I just can’t wait! We are going to meet for breakfast and then head out to the farmer’s market – doesn’t that sound delightful?? I am looking forward to getting some lovely picture to be able to share with you!

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ˜‰

Long Day!

Good evening!

It has been a long day today! I stayed home from work today with a killer headache that just won’t seem to take a hint, and leave! So, while I have been seemingly stuck on the couch today, I have been seriously thinking and day dreaming about my little farmhouse!!

My Fancy FarmhouseI know that it will be here someday, but I have decided that even though I live in a small condo in the city with my husband, and two long-haired chihuahuas, I should still be striving to create my dream of a farmhouse lifestyle NOW!



I am not sure what that means just EXACTLY yet, but it gives my daydreams new meaning!! How can I incorporate some of that into my life right now? Hmmmmmm…very intriguing!!

As I go and figure outwhat that means…

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ˜‰


Long Day!

Good evening!

It has been a long day today! I stayed home from work today with a killer headache that just won’t seem to take a hint, and leave! So, while I have been seemingly stuck on the couch today, I have been seriously thinking and day dreaming about my little farmhouse!!

My Fancy FarmhouseI know that it will be here someday, but I have decided that even though I live in a small condo in the city with my husband, and two long-haired chihuahuas, I should still be striving to create my dream of a farmhouse lifestyle NOW!



I am not sure what that means just EXACTLY yet, but it gives my daydreams new meaning!! How can I incorporate some of that into my life right now? Hmmmmmm…very intriguing!!

As I go and figure outwhat that means…

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ˜‰



Welcome to the first posting of My Fancy Farmhouse!!
My Fancy Farmhouse
I am happy to start on this new journey in my life, and I am so very happy to be able to share my journey with you!
Let me start out by just saying that I do not YET have a farmhouse, but this is one of my dreams that my husband and I are working toward!!
We dream about having a little farmhouse with a vegetable garden, a cutting flower garden, an orchard, and maybe some chickens. 
The reason that I have chosen to call this blog My Fancy Farmhouse, is because I am a city girl through-and-through, and well, let’s just say I LOVE the idea of living a more simplified and ultimately a richer quality of life on a farm. However, I don’t generally like getting dirty and the idea of the possibility of having field mice as residents of our home kinda freaks me out – I’m just saying!! So, I have decided that when we do finally see the realization of our dream of getting our little farmhouse, it is going to be chic-est little farmhouse you EVER DID SEE!! πŸ˜‰
I envision My Fancy Farmhouse as a place where one can get inspired to try something new in country living, decorating, down-home cooking, and green gardening, no matter where they live!
I am a firm believer that even though I currently live in a small condo in the city, with my husband, and two long-hair chihuahuas, I can still create a small Fancy Farmhouse-feel right where I am!!
So, please feel free to share with me your thoughts, comments, and ideas of your own. I would consider that a true priviledge.
Here’s to enjoying the ride!

A Short Post Before Hitting the Hay!

Good evening!

I am so tired! My sweetie and I went out with our friends, Dawn and Errin, this evening! We went and saw Captain America, in 3D. Yes, I know we just saw that a few days ago, but anything to hang out with my bestie,Β  Dawn!! Captain America is super hot! Jason and I are stilled amazed that they were able to make him start out as a puny-pipsqueak-type guy, but turn him into the hunkiest-buff-meisters ever! Yes, you heard me – that is my official geekdom, shining through!!

Anyway, it is EXTREMELY late, and if I don’t climb into bed within the next few minutes I fear I will never be able to get out of bed on time tomorrow morning, and being late for work is just not an option right now!! πŸ˜‰

Sometimes you just gotta listen to your body, so off to bed I go!!

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ˜‰

NOTE TO CHUNKY DUNKERS: Did you think I would forget about you??? NO WAY!!! I will see you all here tomorrow evening at 7 PM! I can’t wait to hear how everyone is doing!! Toodles until then!! πŸ˜‰

A Short Post Before Hitting the Hay!

Good evening!

I am so tired! My sweetie and I went out with our friends, Dawn and Errin, this evening! We went and saw Captain America, in 3D. Yes, I know we just saw that a few days ago, but anything to hang out with my bestie,Β  Dawn!! Captain America is super hot! Jason and I are stilled amazed that they were able to make him start out as a puny-pipsqueak-type guy, but turn him into the hunkiest-buff-meisters ever! Yes, you heard me – that is my official geekdom, shining through!!

Anyway, it is EXTREMELY late, and if I don’t climb into bed within the next few minutes I fear I will never be able to get out of bed on time tomorrow morning, and being late for work is just not an option right now!! πŸ˜‰

Sometimes you just gotta listen to your body, so off to bed I go!!

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ˜‰

NOTE TO CHUNKY DUNKERS: Did you think I would forget about you??? NO WAY!!! I will see you all here tomorrow evening at 7 PM! I can’t wait to hear how everyone is doing!! Toodles until then!! πŸ˜‰

An Evening of Decor & Fashion!

La Dolce Vita

Good evening!

OK, so I had better get with the program and get a posting out there tonight! This evening, I have been feverishly going through decorating books, and fashion magazines. I am not exactly sure what I am looking for, but I know it is time for some slight modifications to my immediate world around me – namely my living room decor. I am bored with it. Which, when I think about it is not too surprising! I have always been very nomadic in my life, moving from place to place to place, and we have lived in our condo for 5 years, which may be longer than I have lived anywhere!! Well, I am bored with it all! My favorite thing about moving all the time was that moving not only gives you the opportunity to go through all of your belongings and decide what is important to you and what isn’t, it also forces you to redecorate for each new place you move too. I LOVE decorating, and I kind of have a natural talent for it!

I would LOVE to be able to house all of my books in one room. I have more than 1200 books, so that, right now is a problem, because space is rather tight!! All the same, I have just ordered my new Ikea catalog for some storage/creative use of space ideas, and I am dreaming about what this living room could be!

I would love to see this room have more seating, and a much more comfortable couch for visiting with company AND for cuddling up to watch movies!! I would like it to be in a more neutral color, so that I can decorate with throw blankets and pillows, and easily change them on a whim – whenever the mood strikes! Having a red couch has been fun, but if I had given it some real thought, I would have preferred a neutral-colored couch with a red slipcover!!! That way I would have had some real versatility!


I love the idea of being surrounded by books, art, and music. Being comfortable in your space, but at the same time, have a sense of plushness, and sophistication – all while being able to cuddle up in a blanket with a good book, while your bare feet are thrown over the arm of a chair! Simply divine!


I also LOVE the idea of some more versatile lighting in this place. I have a few lamps in this room, and in the Winter I utilize the glow of candlelight quite a bit. I know that someday, when we are in our actual house, then I will have a chandelier in our living room, and it will be very chi-chi-fab!!! I can just picture it now! πŸ˜‰


Anyway, I am going to put together a design board for my dream living room, and then modify that so that I can have my “dream room” on a smaller scale for this place, so that even though my sweetie and I have to be here for a couple of more years, it will still feel like home – at least for now!! πŸ˜‰


Have a FABULOUS evening!!!