Chunky Dunkers!

Good evening!

I am sooooo sorry my peeps!! Where the heck am I?? I totally forgot about Chunky Dunkers tonight! So without further ado – I am going to hop into the comments section!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!!

102 thoughts on “Chunky Dunkers!

  1. Christina Post author

    Ok, I am gonna keep it real! I had a really rough day at work today, and when I got home, the first thing I did was hit that damn fridge!!!! Not my finest moment!!

      1. Christina Post author

        no, not sweets really – just anything to make me feel better! Thankfully Jason came home and helped me get it all out and vent!! GOD BLESS that MAN!!! 😉

      1. Alice

        oh i wish i kept up with walking havn’t done it since sunday
        did hoe evr spoil the dog and got him a new ball he will not play with it

      1. Katrina Basso

        It has been busy. Work has been crazy. I have been moving things all over the store and making sure everything was accounted for equipment wise. I did have this mean red-headed customer come in today though. She wouldn’t stop complaining about things. lol She told me that she didn’t like me and that she hated when i help her around the store. lol

  2. alexa moody

    My week has been challenging to say the least. I miss the pool but. I am eating a salad for dinner!

  3. alexa moody

    Don’t beat urself up siSsy! I mean both of u too! Did ya kno Skinny Cow has candy…the chocolate and peanut butter wafer bar tastes like nutty bars

  4. Alice

    but i am so plaing on going for a walk to the park with the kids. before a cub scout meeting tomarrow night

  5. Alice

    so i did a little pamparing of myself yesterday did my nails relaxed in a nice cool shower i so need to do this more offtern

  6. Jason E. Lenz

    We are feeling a bit left out here in Salem. All the COOL family members live out of town. So all we get to do is talk and E-chat. Not a fun as actually having you guys here in person. We miss you all.

  7. Jason E. Lenz

    OK so Nette rode her bike to work yesterday. That’s the WOW thing she did. It was awesome and I am quite sure she was hurting when she got home. I saw her bike today. I think a straddling a 2×4 would be better.

  8. Christina Post author

    Alright, my Dahlings!!! I am in need of some SERIOUS sleep!! So I am off to take my self to bed!!! I LOVE YOU! and can’t wait to give you guys some good news next week!!! SOMETHING! ANYTHING!!! 😉

  9. Jason E. Lenz

    And I think its worse for guys. We got bits that gotta go somewhere when you sit on that seat. Our seats are the same. So think of trying it with a Banana and two lemons in your pants. Of course that’s being generous, but try it and not get lemon juice on you or squish your banana.

  10. Jason E. Lenz

    You are all most Welcome. So some day we all need to be together to do something healthy. Like walk swim and such…but for now I am with Chrissie. We need sleep.

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