Month: April 2011

A Creative Day!

A Creative Day!

Good morning! I have just gotten into the office and am getting ready to start my working day! The sun is shining and my entire desk is just glowing in the sun – I LOVE IT!!! It is such a different feeling then being here 

The Chunky Dunker’s Club, Week 8

The Chunky Dunker’s Club, Week 8

Good evening! Welcome to week 8, of the Chunky Dunker’s Club!! At some point I am going to just have to call these posts “Chunky Dunker’s Club” and take off the week number, but I am very excited, and proud of us to have made 

A Quick Cheery Morning!

A Quick Cheery Morning!

Good morning my lovelies!!

I am up and ready to head out to work just a little early today, so I thought I would stop and take a few moments to post this morning!!!

While doing my morning pages, this morning, it got me to reminiscing about one of my childhood friends. His name is Robbie! You see Robbie’s mom, and my mom were best friends growing up, so naturally, Robbie and I spent a lot of time together growing up too!!

I remember both of our families lived in a duplex for  a time, they on one side, and we on the other. Robbie and I were inseparable. We went to school together, played together, went to church together! He was my

😉 Robbie and I would sometimes play in the back yard, and we had this folding table back there that we would turn on it’s side and cover with a blanket. That would become whatever building our imaginations needed it to be for that particular game. Most of the time we would playArmy, and Robbie, every the epitome of a gentleman, would be the soldier, and I would always pretend to be the nurse. My job was to hang out in the table/fort and take care of any wounded soldiers that would come in, and generally remain safe from enemy fire!!! Isn’t that funny!! I think we were probably 8 or 9 when this was happening, and it just makes me smile.

Robbie was my hero; he was faster than any of the other kids – seriously, he could run like nobody’s business! He was smarter than any of the other kids, he was more polite than any of the other kids – not many other kids held the door open for ladies! 😉 He was cuter than most of the other kids!! Looking back, I am sure I had little crush on him!! 😉

Robbie and I would do all sorts of things together, climb trees, go to the penny candy store (yes, they still had one of those back then), catch bugs, play on the park playgrounds, run around making up games to play with our siblings, and one of my favorite activities at the time, screeching around on our big wheels going as fast as we possibly could!! Man, what fun we used to have!!

Well, we both eventually grew up, and we had kept in contact with each other until our early 20’s but, as people change and life moves on we have lost touch. I sometimes think about him and wonder what his life is like right now!? I sure know he really helped make my childhood fun!!

Wherever you are, Robbie!! I hope you are as happy and as blessed as humanly possible!! You TOTALLY deserve it!! 😉

Did any of you have childhood friends that made your childhood special, like Robbie did for me?? I would love to hear about them in the comments section above! 🙂

Have a FABULOUS morning!!! 😉

Catch-Up Tuesday!

Catch-Up Tuesday!

Good evening! I have to tell you that today has been such a very good day!! REALLY!!! The sun is shining, Chris and I have help at work now, which is DIVINE!!! Plus Julie really is VERY SWEET, so she has been a joyful addition 

A Simple Post With a Seemingly Simple Thought!

A Simple Post With a Seemingly Simple Thought!

Good morning, my loverlies!! I am having a VERY GOOD morning!! Today is the day that my new co-worker, Julie, is starting, and she is doing a TERRIFIC job!!! Whoo! Hoo! It will be so nice to have another pleasant person on our team!! I 

A Reading Day!

A Reading Day!

Good Morning!

I have had a very good weekend so far. I spent the day yesterday taking care of myself; writing, resting, taking some time to get pampered, spending some quality time with my sweetie. I met my girlfriend, Dawn, for dinner at Venti’s last night! I love catching up with Dawn! Things sound like they are going very well for her, but her story is not mine to tell. I am just so thankful that she is happy – she really deserves to be happy!!!  😉

We did get to do some wedding talk, which was fun! I have never been a matron of honor before and really don’t know what is expected, besides make sure that the bride is not stressed by anything on her wedding day!

Ok, done!


Oh, yeah! That and the bachelorette party, but Dawn is so sweet, she said she didn’t care if that was just her and I going out and doing something fun!!! I think we should have a girls’ weekend up in Portland or Seattle, just the two of us! or maybe Sammy too!! We could take a leisurely train ride up, have a spa day, a staying in a FABULOUS hotel with a BEAUTIFUL view. Spending the whole weekend giggling, walking, shopping, good food, good drinks, take in some of the sights. I will have to run it by her and see what she thinks!! I think we should do that about a month before the wedding, so that she doesn’t have to worry about ANYTHING!!!! 😉

Yes, I can do that too!! 😉

Ok, so back to today, besides doing chores and getting ready for this week of work, I am going to be doing A LOT of reading!! I am in the middle of four different books right now, so I am trying to touch base with each one. The four books I am reading are:

  1. What the Deaf-Mute Heard
  2. Full Heart Satisfied Belly
  3. The Artist’s Way
  4. The City of Fallen Angels

However, my girlfriend, Chris, and myself are trying to read the new book by Cassandra Claire, City of Fallen Angels, together. This means that we have an agreed upon stopping point, and when we see each other at work, we discuss what we have read so far. Currently I am just starting chapter 5. Chris and I had agreed that we were going to read to chapter 10, but apparently it is getting good, because Chris texted me yesterday and told me that she was going through chapter 14! LOL!!!

So, I had really better get cracking!!! 😉

Right now, Jason and I are taking a break from chores, mainly so I can get my morning blog posted. We are listening to a variety of music playing – my i-pod actually! Right now one of my favorite Keili’i Reichel Hawaiian songs are playing. Jason just commented that he really liked it – I do to, it is very peaceful, and reminds me of my family!! 😉

Which reminds me, I had better call and touch base with them today so they don’t think that I have fallen off the face of the earth somehow!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS morning!! 😉

Reminiscing – The Teenage Years!

Reminiscing – The Teenage Years!

Good morning! Do you ever have people from your past contact you? With social media like Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace, I have people from my past contact me all of the time, and I am sure that you must too. During my teenage years there 

My New Favorite Restaurant!

My New Favorite Restaurant!

Good evening! I am sorry I am posting so late! Jason and I went out with some friends tonight for dinner! I had promised that I would tell you about the new restaurant I discovered last night while I was waiting for my belly dance 

It’s Friday! Friday! Friday!!

It’s Friday! Friday! Friday!!

Good morning, you FABULOUS people!!

I am in a really good place right now, and I can’t help but share some of that newly found joy with you!!! I have to confess, after my hour of morning pages, I started to get ready for work, and found myself doing some belly dancing to Rhianna!!! She has got such a GREAT beat in her music, it was fun!!

I am getting ready to head to work for the day, but I am hoping to get off a little bit early today, I do have a couple of errands that I want to run, and then I am thinking that my sweetie and I will go play in the pool for a while!!! Oh it is fun to be a kid again!!! 😉

I was telling my sis last night, that it I am just LOVING having activities in my life that I LOVE to do!! That is the key to happiness!! Oh, and having people to share those activities with!!! 😉

I am trying to decide what creative activity I would like to do this weekend. I am meeting Dawn in the morning for coffee downtown, so I am thinking that I am going to take my knitting, with extras (yarn and knitting needles) in case anyone would like to join me, and then people watch while visiting with Dawn!! Doesn’t that just sound delicious????

I am also needing to do some some serious kitchen overhauling and make a trip to the health food store to get some NEW groceries for our place. I have a restaurant that I just discovered last night that I want to tell you all about, but I don’t have time to get the pics ready before work today, so I  will post those pics and tell you all about my NEW FAVORITE RESTAURANT downtown!! In the meantime, I will tell you that the new restaurant has really inspired me to incorporate more FRESHNESS into my meals, raw vegetables are our friends!! LOL!! Hence the need to go to the Health Food store!! PRODUCE RUN!!! 😉

Anyway, I am off!!

Have a FABULOUS day!!! 😉

Note to Chunky Dunkers: I have not forgotten about you, my lovelies!!! Keep up the hard work, it will be SOOOO WORTH IT!!! GO CHUNKY DUNKERS!!! 😉

My Mind-Body-Spirit Connection – Literally!!

My Mind-Body-Spirit Connection – Literally!!

Good evening! Ok, so where to begin?? Well, tonight was week 2 of my belly dancing class! I am soooooo LOVING this class!! If I didn’t hurt so badly after one, I could do this EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!!! I also have decided that I think