A New Morning!

Good morning!

I must confess I had a bit of a rough Sunday, and a bad night trying to sleep. Now I find that I am grumpy. Hrmph! Ok, so this is not like my normal happy-go-lucky self, but I am just acknowledging the feeling so that I can get on with my day!! I am hoping that it will be sunny today! I could really use some sunshine! I am also thinking that a walk through Bush Park might be pretty cool too!!! Think calm, oasis, peace, balance!! Aaaaaah!! Ok, that is much better!!

I have a lot that I want to get done today!! Both at the office and at home today. I have to make a list of all of the projects that are half completed, or not even started and that are causing me anxiety. Then I have to decide if they get to stay on the list, or if I am going to let them go. If they stay on the list, then I have to start actively working on getting each one crossed off!! Life is just too short to have nagging things going on in your home! Your home should be the place that rises up to greet you when you come in from the sometimes overstimulating outside world! That is my goal.


I am not going to take too long to dwell on this, this morning! I just wanted to throw it out there, so I do not forget! and to really change my perception about this morning, and I think it worked! I feel much better now!

I spent an hour this morning, doing my third day of Morning Pages, from the book “The Artist’s Way”. I think that this activity is going to be a life changer. The practice of doing this seems to help clear my head from all of the nonsensical chatter, and helps me see and hear what it is I want to most be/do/have. It just sweeps out all of the miscellaneous nonsense that I have been letting hold me back.  All of the excuses, time wasters, and whining. It shows me that it is time to put my big-girl panties on and get to work on creating the life that I want, while also living with my eyes wide open to see all of the blessings that are happening all around me, right her, right now! That is an AWESOME gift!!

Alright, I have to zip off to work now if I want a good parking spot – so I am on my way!!!

Have a FABULOUS morning!!! 😉