A Happy Lazy Day!!

I had better hurry up and get this post posted before midnight hits!! You see, I took a nap today this afternoon, and it may have been a little longer than I had planned on and I am sooo not tired now and hadn’t realized how late it actually had gotten!! OOPSIE!!! šŸ˜‰

I have such a MARVELOUSLY LAZY DAY!!! I spent some time getting some blog-gey business done, I did some reading after straightening up my bedroom and then took some time to read. While reading I started to fall asleep, and since it was my day off decided to take a nap!! Got up later (actually A FEW HOURS LATER!!!), had dinner, watched some NetFlix with Jason, and then we went for a swim!!! WHEW!!! It was actually quite TERRIFIC to be able to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted!!!

I did stumble across an old magazine article – I have a file of torn out articles that I pull from when I have a few minutes to read – and this particular article was basically ideas on how you can add some happiness to your day!! I thought this was VERY fitting for my day off today, and thought I would share some of my own happiness ideas with you!!

  • Purchase a single rose, or some other flower of your choice, and place in a simple vase on your desk at work! Instant happy!! šŸ˜‰
  • Do something nice for someone else for no other reason, but to just do something nice!
  • Clean out your purse, it is something quick and simple that you cross of your list, giving you a sense of accomplishment.
  • Take a mini-break to just do something you enjoy, like crafting, reading, walking, etc.
  • Play with a dog – they are so faithful, loyal, and love you no matter what you have been up to or how long you have been gone.
  • They say that laughter is the best medicine, find something that makes you laugh.
  • Reach out to your close friends or family.
  • Escape into a good book! (THIS ONE IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES!!!!)
  • Take a nap – this one can be tricky to fit in, but when you can it is HEAVEN!!
  • Take a walk in the park. or any other kind of exercise!
  • Close your mind and imagine yourself in a dreamy-make-believe world of your own design.
  • Smile more. The simple of act of smiling helps make the feeling of happiness come to fruition.
  • Try journaling.
  • Write a letter to someone letting out all of you frustrations, and then shred it. The simple of act of getting out all of your thoughts is therapeutic, just make sure not to send the letter!!
  • Play a game with a friend.
  • When all else fails, grab the nearest pillow and use it to smother a scream!!! Great for the lungs and also very stress-relieving!!
  • Breathe!
  • Rock out to some happy music! If you want to heighten the effect – get up and DANCE!!!
  • Volunteer! Give back to those less fortunate then yourself!
  • Can you say B-U-B-B-L-EĀ  B-A-T-H???
  • Give yourself a head neck, hand, foot massage. AAAAH!!!

I am feeling happier all ready!!!

Have a FABULOUS evening! šŸ˜‰

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