Happy Friday!

Good morning!

Happy Friday!!! I can feel a good day happening! I am going to spend today being creative, and possibly taking my sweetie to the movies! He has been wanting to go all week! However, he is happily spending some time gaming today!! So, we will see!!!

My sis, Alex, and her kiddos came over last night, and as they were leaving, Alex mentioned that she wanted to do a vision board! I think that is a good idea!!! I think I will make an electronic version and post her with you!

Also, I stayed up super-later last night finishing that book I was telling you about, Live a Thousand Years by Giovanni Livera. What a GREAT FIND that was!! I actually found this book at Goodwill for the grand price of $3.99! It was mistakenly tucked into the children’s books!! Probably hidden there, just for me!!! 😉

The premise of this book is that there is a man, named Nick, who is busy rushing through life, and it is quickly passing him by. Time stops, literally and he meets the “Keeper of Time”, who’s name is Max. Max, through the use of the numbers on Nick’s pocketwatch, teaches both Nick, and you, the reader, how to live twelve times the life experience of the average person. Most of us measure our time by clocks and calendars. Live A Thousand Years reveals the power of measuring your time and your success by moments and experiences. I would highly recommend this book!!

The Twelve Chimes are:

Chime One: Time for Yourself
Chime Two: Time to Be Positive
Chime Three: Time to Give
Chime Four: Time for Relationships
Chime Five: Time to Learn
Chime Six: Time in the Moment
Chime Seven: Time to Dream
Chime Eight: Time to Play
Chime Nine: Time to Work
Chime Ten: Time to Forgive
Chime Eleven: Time to be Brave
Chime Twelve: Time to Reset

I have a lot of practicing to do to get good at all of these chimes, but this book has interigued me, that if I want to have the time of my life, the work will be worth it!!!

On that note…

Have a FABULOUS day!! 😉

3 thoughts on “Happy Friday!

  1. Alexa Moody

    Now you have my interests peeked.
    Hey I found a treasure for you at Goodwill today. Some very pretty artsy coasters made in France!!!!!! BON JOUR DARLING!!!!!

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