Month: December 2010

Christmas at the Capitol Building

Christmas at the Capitol Building

I find myself relishing this amazing moment where I have an excuse to sit in the middle of Salem Capitol’s building’s marble stairs,  and just take in the lovely sound of school children singing Christmas choral music. There is nothing quite like listening to children’s 

Tornados In Oregon?

Tornados In Oregon?

Have you seen the news? There was a level 2 tornado that touched down in Aumsville, Oregon yesterday, just before noon. This little town is about 20 minutes from where we live. How crazy is that??? Tornadoes are definitely NOT what Oregon is known for! 

Inspirational Quote for the Day!

Inspirational Quote for the Day!

“I have found that most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
-Abraham Lincoln

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Quickie Post!

Quickie Post!

This is just a quickie post to answer a question from my sis! “What does eating frogs mean?” Well, this is something I learned from one of my favorite authors, Brian Tracy. Eating frogs is basically just a time management tool that means that you 

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

I have often heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expect to get a different result. Well, being someone who is a creature of habit, I find myself reflecting on this idea a lot. I wonder 

Sunday Evening Update!

Sunday Evening Update!

Today has been a pretty good day! Got up, rallied the troops and then went out and did a little shopping – ok a lot of shopping!!! Went over to my sister-in-law’s and helped decorate a Christmas tree for her and the kiddos. The colors were rich chocolate, medium brown, gold, and burgundy. I was a little worried about the chocolate brown, but it turned out looking GORGEOUS!!!

Anyway, after decorating my sweetie and I headed home, I hopped into my jammies, turned on my Christmas lights and snuggled up on our couch!! I am pretty happy that I at least got out of the house, having been sick for the past 2 days!

Anyway, I have a long week of work ahead of me this week, and a lot of last minute preparations to get ready for our Christmas trip down to Roseburg.

So with that in mind, what are some things that I can do to help me have a Level 10 (as in perfect)???

  1. Take my i-pod to work, fully charged, and rock out to music while I work.
  2. Take time out of my work day to go for an energizing walk.
  3. Have plenty of ice water on hand – maybe even cut orange slices to give my water a little flavor.
  4. Pre-plan my work day the night before. Make sure my to-do lists are already created and ready to go.
  5. Get to bed on time every night this week. Sleep is your friend.
  6. Take a 10 minute meditation break at ;east once a day to help ease stress level.
  7. Make sure to pack healthy breakfast, lunch, and snacks to stave off hunger and to keep blood sugar level.
  8. Keep telling myself, “You are blessed” over and over again.
  9. When all hell breaks loose, PRAY!
  10. Remember that you can’t control everything that happens, you can only control yourself. Decide to have a good day!!! It’s A CHOICE!!!

On that note:

Have a FABULOUS evening! 😉

Cookie Night!!

Cookie Night!!

Tonight I got to spend some time with my best friend, Dawn, her fabulous daughter, Sam, and my sweetie this evening. We spent the evening baking cookies. Well, wait, actually Jason and my girlfriend’s daughter baked cookies, while Dawn, and I chatted at the dining 

Happy Thursday!

Happy Thursday!

OK, happy might be a little bit of an overstatement this evening, seeing that I am sick with some kind of a cold. I know, I have been sick more than my fair share of times this season. I think that the amount of stress 

The Lessons of the Christmas Pageant!

The Lessons of the Christmas Pageant!

After work this evening, my husband and I got the opportunity to go to our nephew’s preschool/kindergarten Christmas pageant. We were fortunate to sit in the very first row and I just did my best to be in the moment and to observe as much as possible. Some of the lesson I learned are:

  • When you have done a good job, don’t be afraid to clap for yourself – you deserve it
  • If the mood strikes, it is OK to cry in front of a large group of onlookers
  • You are never to old to want your mommy
  • When you make a mistake, make it loud, and make it look like you are having a blast while doing it
  • Always be ready for the paparazzi, because you NEVER know who will want to take your picture
  • If you are assigned the role of pageant donkey, and you don’t want to wear your donkey ears, you don’t have to
  • If you have to take a potty break in the middle of your performance – the show will go on, even if you do run to the potty
  • Take every opportunity to flirt with your cute neighbor (even if she happens to be a cute little cow)
  • Only you can know when you have hit your limit. When you are done, know it, and accept it. Even if that means you are stripping your costume off in the middle of the pageant floor, while walking back to your classroom.

Thank you, Morgan!!! We had such a good time this evening, and you are just growing up soooo quickly!!! I hope that we have many more opportunities to share memories with you!! Thank you for the lessons!! Auntie Chrissy loves you!!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!

Getting Back to More of the Same!

Getting Back to More of the Same!

The fact is: You are already doing what you want! You Choose. Period! OK, now that I’ve gotten that out of my system…I am having a quiet evening at home, an old Patty Duke episode on the tele, Christmas lights lit, my sweetie Christmas shopping