Tag: Play

Honoring Your Inner Child!

Honoring Your Inner Child!

Good evening! I wanted to talk about something that has been on my mind for the past few months, and that is about honoring your inner child, or at least my perspective on my inner child and my reconciliation with the idea that I need 

Another Short & Sweet Post!

Another Short & Sweet Post!

Good evening! I am going to keep this post short this evening! My sweetie and I have just gotten back from the play The Underpants, put on by the Pentacle Theater. It was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! and we had an ABSOLUTE MARVELOUS TIME!!! While I go 

Motivational Quote of the Day!

Motivational Quote of the Day!

Here is your motivational quote for today!

“The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge.”
~Stephen Nachmanovitch

Have a FABULOUS afternoon!! ;-)



Good evening! I thought the word “Fearless” would be an appropriate term for this evening!! I just got done with my belly dancing class, and I am feeling TERRIFIC!!! Tonight was the last class of a three month session, and we are now off for 

A Quick Cheery Morning!

A Quick Cheery Morning!

Good morning my lovelies!! I am up and ready to head out to work just a little early today, so I thought I would stop and take a few moments to post this morning!!! While doing my morning pages, this morning, it got me to