Tag: Farmer’s Market

Day at the Farmer’s Market!

Day at the Farmer’s Market!

Good evening! My sweetie and I had the best kind of day today – we got to spend the day with our friends, Amy and Leif, which we hadn’t seen in almost a year. After finally getting to their place, we had gotten lost a 

Drive in the Country!

Drive in the Country!

Good afternoon! My sweetie and I had the very fun excursion out today! Well, where to begin? I woke up early this morning, and I spent some quiet time reading my favorite blogger magazine. It got me inspired to go out and take some pictures, 

A Productive Saturday!

A Productive Saturday!

Good morning!

I am pining for the Farmer’s market this morning!!! Not only do I love the scenic drive to get to our local farmer’s market, but I am just sighing to browse through luscious fruits, hunt for crisp veggies, pick up some fresh flowers, and just get a start on Spring! I love Summer, but I am really missing my sunshine!!! The Farmer’s market is always a fun place to go walk around for an hour our two, listen to some Parisian music, and enjoy the all of sights and scents.

As for what I am REALLY going to do today, well I have quite a few things that I want to get done today, not to mention the regular house chores. Jason is picking up our nephew Christopher, even as we speak. Chris is going to spend the day with us, swimming, playing video games, watching some guy movies! You know, uncle-nephew bonding time!! Fortunately they are going to let join them in some of thier fun!!! Thanks guys!!! 😉

I also want to get our grocery shopping for the week done today, re-design my craft room/office, since it looks like telecommuting is going to become a bigger part of my working life, and I am hoping that I am able to finagle a nap sometime in my day today!! Oh, and getting some reading done too would be AWESOME – I haven’t taken some serious time to read in a while, and I miss it!!! 🙂

I will keep you posted of my progress, and hopefully I will have a few pics to post for you too!!!

Have a FABULOUS day!!


Note to Chunky Dunkers: Take a little time today to go for a walk. Just walk for as long as you comfortably can, as fast as you comfortably can. Every step you take adds up – and honey, you can do it!!