Tag: Dreams

Long Day!

Long Day!

Good evening! It has been a long day today! I stayed home from work today with a killer headache that just won’t seem to take a hint, and leave! So, while I have been seemingly stuck on the couch today, I have been seriously thinking 

Long Day!

Long Day!

Good evening! It has been a long day today! I stayed home from work today with a killer headache that just won’t seem to take a hint, and leave! So, while I have been seemingly stuck on the couch today, I have been seriously thinking 

A Random Monday!

A Random Monday!

Good evening!

It is a picture perfect beautiful day outside this evening! I have spent a good portion of my evening up in my art studio. I have been busy dabbling, as I have a tendency to do! I am trying so hard to be an artist that in all honesty I am just frustrating the heck out of myself!

When I got home after work tonight, I decided that I was going to make a few charms for a charm bracelet that I wanted to make, but the soldering gun that my sweetie and I had picked up is just too low of quality and doesn’t get nearly as hot as it needs to be to work properly. So, that will just have to wait a little longer until I get that jewelry soldering gun that I should have gotten in the first place – save money on the unimportant stuff, splurge on the things that you will need at your disposal for as long as possible! Lesson learned! 😉

I tell myself!
“Ok, I am not going to get frustrated, I will just have to try something else.”

So, I decide to get out my resin and try my hand at making myself a motivational charm for a stacked necklace. My resin charm didn’t turn out exactly the way I had intended, but it is upstairs setting all the same, and I will know in the morning if it is something that I will be willing to wear! But from initial thoughts on it – it won’t be perfect, but it will be something I can work with. It is only my first resin piece after all!

I am just LOVING the idea of making some jewelry. I think jewelry is so unique and can really express a person’s unique style so well, and it is something that, in the past, I have been pretty good at! Plus, I just LOVE beads, wire, soldering, hammering, the idea of metal smithing – because I have never actually tried it before, and I love the way that each piece turns out! There is something very gratifying knowing that you have made something that you see someone else wearing!

I really want to perfect some of the techniques that I am learning so that I can make some really cool personalized gifts that I will be able to give away for Christmas presents this year! I know that all of the women in my life will LOVE that! I hope!! 😉

You know what would be my ULTIMATE dream…besides a happy family, and owning that farm that my sweetie and I always dream of…it would be to have a way to make a living doing something creative that feels like I am honoring my authentic self – isn’t that just a novel concept??? Sometimes I am very envious of those people who have walked away from their corporate jobs and are fulfilling their lifelong dream of making a living doing what they love. If I could incorporate jewelry, art, words, people, flexibility, and fun into a career, I would be as happy as a clam!!! Anyone hiring for anything like that right now??? LOL! Let me know, will ya?! 😉

I am a firm believer that God provides for you everything you need, at exactly the right moment, I am just impatiently waiting for my moment, I suppose! 😉

Anyway, I have finally come down for the evening, and I have decided to watch a couple of quick episodes of The Andy Griffith Show before I climb into bed for the evening while reading a little of my most current book, I Am Number Four, by Pitticus Lore. It is pretty good, in case you were interested! 😉

Have a FABULOUS evening!!

ONE LAST THING: I will make sure to take a few pictures of my necklace in the morning, and share them with you tomorrow! 😉

Motivational Quote of the Day!

Motivational Quote of the Day!

Here is your motivational quote for today! “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.” ~Henry David Thoreau Have a FABULOUS afternoon!!

A Monday of Positivity!

A Monday of Positivity!

Good evening! Work did get a little bumpy today, but I knew that it would, right? And it did, of course! There are a lot of changes going to be happening in the next few months, but that is alright. I know that everything is 

A New Take on the Tortoise & the Hare

A New Take on the Tortoise & the Hare

Good morning!

Jason is busy telling me about his dream from this morning. He said that he dreamt that he was in boot camp for the Marine Corps, and he decided that he wanted to be an officer because he knew that would make me happy. He said he was the last in line, and wanted to get the attention of the drill sergeant.  Well, when he finally got to where the sergeant was doling out commands, he was surprised that he and another little skinny guy was chosen to do a race together. Jason was worried because he hadn’t heard the whole instruction, but he decided to use that to his advantage, by shouting at the other guy, “Well, what are you waiting for? Move it! Move it!!” Well, the little guy took off like a shot, and Jason waited, while the other guy got out of hearing distance, and said to the sergeant,

“Is there any thing you want us to do along the way?”

The sergeant, said “Yes, I forgot my hat, would you mind getting it for me?”

Well, Jason said he, took off at kind of a jog, and having watched where the other guy went Jason kind of followed him. By the time the other guy was shooting past Jason to get back to the sergeant, Jason was chuckling to himself because he knew something the little guy didn’t. Jason calls back over his should to the guy, who is now farther away from him, and yesll, “Hey, did you get the sarg’s hat??” The little guy immediately turned around to go back to the building from which he had just returned from. However, Jason had already gotten there, had the sergeant’s hat in hand and was jogging back towards the sergeant. Jason said the whole time the little guy kept hopping all around him like a cartoon caracter saying,

“Come on, give it me. Aw man, come on, please? please?” Like a little puppy to a giant great dane or something!!

HA! HA! HA! HA! I am not sure what that says about my husband, but if any of you would like to psychoanalyze him, I am sure the free counseling would be much appreciated!!! HA! HA! HA!!

Note to those of you who may not know: my husband is 6’8″, and is a gentle giant of a man!! which is why this dream is just so comical!!! 😉

I love you, Sweetie!! Thank you for sharing your dream with me, and letting me share it here!!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS day!! 😉

Sunday of Bliss!

Sunday of Bliss!

Today has DEFINITELY been a Sunday of BLISS!! I knew when I woke up after sleeping in, next to my best friend, which I am blessed to be able to do every morning, that today was going to be a FABULOUS day!!! While waiting for